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  1. Okay so gave it a try and the spring is a good fit, i cannot get to 45 but i can get to 25 / 30 before it kinks or in one case snaps. I will give it a go for real when i am next on site. Will ping some pics on this thread if it is still open. Thanks again all, appreciate it. John
  2. I have manufactured 90degree bends, i need 45 to set around some stuff, might get away with less thouh.
  3. Lol, cheers. Purchased, will see how i get on, absolutely will send pics piss can and am sure will be taken ?
  4. Hi Am after some way of putting up to 45 degree bends in my aluminium conduit. I am in the UK, the conduit measures around 13mm external and about 12mm internal - standards stuff available form ADI. I use the 90degree and couplers already. When I ask they say computer says no, to 45degree bends. I tried micro bore plumbing pipe benders but the formers were not Goldy Locks, not quite right; that resulted in the pipe kinking or not fitting in the former. Or maybe you know of a 45degree manufactured bend available? Cheers John
  5. Okay so now i feel stupid, i completely forgot to tell RSS tools (in Com Server) the com port to use. Don't forget you have to tell it twice, once in the main software and then again on the site connection... Thank all. John
  6. Gives me some hope any way, thanks!
  7. Hi Galaxy dimension. Using RSS Config tool, on a win11 machine. Go to set up the com port in the communications settings and it does not see my coms port... I just get lines in and clicking on the drop down shows no other coms port available. I look in device manager and the USB coms port shows up working okay. RSS tool Version is 3.62.001. Anyone else using win 11? Do you have any issues? What USB rs232 lead are you using? Cheers Jon
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