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Everything posted by Dashnine

  1. Back for hols today, and that’s sorted it - thanks for your help.
  2. I'm away for a week now, so can read the programming guide at leisure and have that found the default for OP3 (I need to confirm with a continuity check) is 03 Set Latch: Set Latch: active when the system is set and inactive when the system is unset or an alarm condition occurs. It is active for one second when a reset is performed or the control unit leaves installer mode. It is also active during Walk Tests. But this doesn’t seem to fit what’s happening whereas 06 Ready Lamp does: Ready Lamp: active when the system is unset and if there are no faults. It is inactive when the system is full or part set, during any alarm or if a circuit fault prevents setting. It is also active when the control unit is in installer mode. But if the sounder were wired up in reverse polarity, Set Latch fits: Inactive when the system is set and active when the system is unset or an alarm condition occurs. So would that be something typically done? I can also try programming OP3 to 00 Bell as per the default for OP1, which I assume is the external siren. Thanks
  3. Well obviously the people who programmed it up in the first place, and now holding the installer code on my property to ransom… if the wirings not changed, its not obvious in the install manual how to code particular wired connections on or off or otherwise. Or is this black magic not documented…
  4. Adding photo of sounder internals.
  5. Opening up the sounder, it’s the pair on the right of the photo above, connected to OP3 and TR.
  6. This is the block for the outputs, I assume some are the internal, others the external sounder. OP1, OP2, OP3 and TR left to right.
  7. Excuse my ignorance, but how would that make a difference when nothings changed on the wiring, it’s exactly as it was? Does the system have to be coded differently for having (or not having) an internal sounder? Yes, keypad just shows date and time with 9651 underneath when unset and sounding.
  8. Thanks but I pretty much have done so, I can see the wiring for the 4 sensors, 01-04 and while system works OK when set it's just setting the internal sounder off when unset. Nothing in the log, other than Installer logging in/out, Sets / unsets etc. Can't see anything in the installation manual as a default or otherwise that would trigger it to do so, or how to set it not to do so.
  9. That should be one FE, 3 NA and the remaining 4 set NU.
  10. Hi all, I've recently bought the house but only got the user code off the previous owner. Have had a new kitchen installed but needed to move the (second) keypad by an inch, in doing so set off the tamper on the keypad. I did a user reset but keypads showed Call Installer. As I have no Engineer code, I reset all the codes with the first level reset (I think also mistakenly have reset everything to default). Now in the situation when the system powers up the internal sounder is permanently on when unset, but when the system is set - it stops, restarting when I unset the system. I've set up the sensors again (there are 4, all PIR - one FE, others NU), but for the life of me can't see in the installation manual or online why the internal sounder is going off when the system is unset! Battery is OK, runs system when mains is disconnected. Any ideas please? Thanks!
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