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Kaizen Security

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  1. Of course I would never install anything that did not have the required certs. I have just never come across pyro fog being implemented like this before. Are you aware of any manufactures of pyro fog that are approved for use in the UK?
  2. LoL to clarify by solid state I mean pyrotechnic based.
  3. Hi forum, I have worked with liquid smoke solutions in the past like SmokeCloak but I have recently come across solid state security smoke solutions on Ebay. I asked the seller for the safety data sheets but they claim they import them from China and don’t have any data. Does anyone have any experience with solid state smoke? Are they legal in the UK?
  4. People seem to have forgot what the acronym CCTV means Cameras protecting sensitive areas should never be directly accessable on the internet.
  5. I have seen many diffrent installation styles over the years, Clips vs staples, surface run vs hidden, taught vs slack. Personaly I take pride in my 1st fix and cabling and do it properly but that does slow you down. The work I observed with a contractor on a new build housing estate was so slopppy that I pulled him up on it, his justification was that he had targets to hit and they dont pay him enough to give a **** And there seems to be the problem paying **** money to general contractors under pressure to get the job done as quickly as possible. If I had paid good money for a new house I would expect the cable for the window sensor to be run through the upvc window frame and under the window sill not surface run and poorly clipped As mentioned BS7671 is a good place to start for general regs
  6. Hello to all. I used to be in the fire and security industry many years ago and evolved my career into IT security. Recently due to the overwhelming amount of shockingly bad residential security systems available on the market I have have decided to re-enter the industry to educate the consumer and provide genuine fit for purpose solutions. I have noticed that the Honeywell Galaxy systems I used to install in many years ago are still deployed in the field so on the surface at least not much seems to have changed in the commercial space. Let the fun begin ?
  7. I used to be in the fire and security industry many years ago and evolved my career into IT security. Recently due to the overwhelming amount of shockingly bad consumer security systems available on the market I have re-entered the industry to educate the consumer and provide genuine fit for purpose solutions

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