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  1. So in basic terms something isn’t wired correctly ?
  2. Apologies it is a XRI
  3. Hello, I have just installed a new Pyronix Deltabell plus and a new battery for the alarm panel. (Citydell XR2) As soon as I power it up from either the mains or connecting the battery it goes straight into tamper mode. (Even if the tamper spring is depressed) I can then input my code to silence the alarm, but after this the keypad goes dead. I cannot get it out of tamper mode and none of the keys make a noise when pressed like they usually do ! I’ve checked the tamper on the deltabell plus and the cover is definitely pressing the switch down. Any advice ?
  4. Thank you !!
  5. Unfortunately it was provided with no instructions
  6. Old bell box has failed and needs replacing. I am happy doing everything just unsure on the wiring, please could you advise ? Control panel currently has Strobe - (green SCB - T(yellow SCB - A (black) Bell + (red) Bell - (green) 13v + (red) 13v - (black) Deltabell plus T T ENG HOLD STB Bell 12v- 12v + thank you so much in advance !
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