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  1. Second gate controller Thanks mate looks like I can just replace the keypad with the latest model
  2. Second gate keypad
  3. Some photos of a relay and FAAC
  4. 2 gates, main one on the left and the other on the right There are 2 antennas that receive fob inputs
  5. Possible replacement using the newer model as this one appears obsolete https://www.securitywarehouse.co.uk/catalog/access-control-c-27/digital-keypads-c-27_29/videx-4000-series-codelock-module-4901-p-5756.html
  6. Manual looks like this one https://www.videxuk.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/66250070-4800-4800M-EN-V1-5.pdf
  7. I was wondering if it’s possible to replace a faulty Videx keypad rather than the whole intercom as just 2 of the buttons which are part of the code have worn down over time It’s a GSM model as the customer tells me it calls their mobile phone I’ve attached a photo for reference and any help greatly appreciated I can go there and remove the keypad if an exact model number is needed to look up a suitable replacement
  8. Yeah I think they are using a FAAC one
  9. There are 2 aerials but it could be for each gate. I’ll take a photo of this on Friday and check if there is another gate controller or not thanks
  10. I was thinking to implement a solution I’ve done on another gate recently which I posted on this forum using a WiFi relay called a Shelly Plus 1 which works by any number of users having their app and tapping on a button In addition a replacement keypad so there are 2 methods of opening the gate I think the remotes will end up being expensive as they may need to buy a new kit whereas the Shelly relay is about £18.00
  11. A site I look after is being overcharged each time they request a new remote for their electric gate The controller is a Nice MCA1 I have looked into the possibility of installing a Nice universal receiver that can support low cost remotes if there is such a thing It would also need to support 50+ remotes if possible for all staff and tenants I took some photos if anyone wants to have a look and let me know please. I am having trouble uploading them from my phone at the moment though
  12. Or how how simply muffling the speaker with some foam as they just suggested ?
  13. I have 2 of these run in series and the customer is saying they are too loud They are connected to a Texecom Premier Elite 24 and being used with the Chime facility Is it possible to dial down the volume by wiring in something that’s adjustable so they can fiddle with it themselves and then I don’t have to keep adjusting it myself The product is this one: https://connectec.uk/security/intruder-alarms/wired-alarm-systems/wired-alarm-sounders-and-bells/8-ohm-alarm-extension-speaker-with-tamper
  14. I’ve also asked her if it only happens when they get into one of their cars as I’m wondering if it’s a Wi-Fi permitting from one of those they are all high-performance cars so maybe there’s something affecting the signal
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