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Everything posted by GUYT1

  1. yes, I know... terrible the prices some people try on, in eBay. No, I don't need the panel - I am looking for a replacement to the Guardall Balmoral 5 that will work with just 4 existing wired detectors and the control panel mentioned above. I feel sure that it must exist, just need to find it...!
  2. any suggestions for a more modern Guardall Balmoral 5 replacement? Rough spec - work with 4 existing wired detectors (with the typical 2 resistive states, I know they're pretty common I replaced one a few years back with a newer model), and entrance keypad - like this: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/155675281609?itmmeta=01HV4JYQMD4RVSTT8M3ZDSA709&hash=item243ef848c9:g:RboAAOSwwItkt8O7&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA0AkKJK%2BpbAc7wa7SYZWtsI7I6bOhydC19uxloj1V1vkwvWur9gS5vgi3Osfpq5ilrLVCAxVYLb%2Bg3rHtL%2BQA5DaQvQJiIVAXIJHI%2FSpGEDCGchDYstUmQbcVgS4vdGzrn0dP%2Be7E9QzNq%2FP4Tst%2FDF026Z62cN2%2BPJ6KSX0BXS1AAlgJuGqZ5APvEpaSWSIFrTfu%2BhQLHzW%2FPXIdWuetXImSubbH%2B5ExxUqfUv%2Fs0KjtRL%2BsIwfANzN0WHiqrY2%2Fi1wouSTJLQkEjwugw81RS5I%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR576-pLZYw becoming quite valuable I see... with RJ45 ie. internet connectivity to send states to a designated website ??? Ideas? Regards and thanks for all help on this one!
  3. doh! Thanks
  4. thanks for answering....ok I understand completely; except NVM = ?? (nevermind?)
  5. This alarm is so old no people in the trade are interested... I did hope that someone in this group would help me try and resurrect it however. (System left offline and dead battery for months. Now it seems to have lost its parameters. What's a guy to do?)
  6. Balmoral 5 installers manual anyone?
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