The siren box is an Eaton SDR-WEXT-00 (also made by Scantronic I suspect). This was supposed to be in the heading to this topic but I missed it off somehow.
There's only one anti-tamper switch on the siren box which seems to trigger if either the lid is opened or the box is prised off the wall.
I've actually got it all to a state where it nearly works OK. I, surprisingly, got a response to an enquiry to Scantronic's support team. They confirmed that BLA is the Bell Trigger and BLF is the Strobe Trigger (as you said before). They also gave me a list of the meanings of the little red LED which, for the benfefit of anyone looking at this in the future, are :
LED Flashes Every 7 Seconds :
One Sounder all OK
Two Low/loss of 12v
Three Standby battery low
Four Siren run time exceeded
The problems that remain are that
1) I can only get it to operate if I link TR to 0V on the control box (which presumably negates the anti-tamper connection to the siren box) and
2) The four blue LED's strobe all the time except for when an alarm is triggered, when the two middle ones go out and the outer ones flash brighter and simultaneously.
Am I right in assuming that the the four blue LED's should only be on during or after an alarm condition ?