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Pi on here

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  1. Hello people thank you for taking the time to help me, Just to let you know that, I've been in touch with the supplier and he has agreed that, there is a problem on the main pcb so, they are sending out a replacement panel, Thanks again one and all If ever you need help with plumbing feel free to look me up at ##REMOVED## ?
  2. ok I'll Try that and get back thank you for your time and advice, ?
  3. I'm thinking the bell box wiring might be where its at because, its confusing, I understand the , 12v and 0v/grd , you can't go wrong there but the bell wire and strobe wire is not clear so I'm thinking, this is where I've gone wrong, does that make sense, I can provide pics but obviously I'll need to get the ladder out, can you instruct me what goes where please,, thanks Tom
  4. I should further add, I've tried the support/help email from scantronic 3 times and as yet, there is no reply, ?
  5. ok thanks James , ok yea I understand that wire is visible but its too high for the opportunist and the pro is gonna go find an easier target ( thats my thinking anyway) so where is the Sab tamper ? the bell box tamper is working, I've tested it with my mulitmeter and the casing trip switch is working, i can hear the ' click' as i screw it up , Thanks for your response, ?
  6. Hi everyone just joined to hopefully get a problem solved, My real name is Tom and I've been a plumber all my working life and during that time fitted a couple of alarm systems to my own homes but, This one has me beat, Its a scantronic 9448 with a SDR-WEXT-00 Bell box and when I powered it up, The tamper light on the key pad is on, So I checked all the tamper loops and they are closed, They are the PIR's, bell box, I've not fitted a tamper to the door sensors, but the light stays on and so the alarm cannot be set, The leds in the bell box are flashing blue and I've posted a vid, Can someone tell me what I' missed ? thanks in advance
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