I would really like to solve this ongoing problem!
I have a scantronic 9448+ control panel which blew the 12V fuse. The alarm company told me it was a fault in a 40ft long 4 core cable to 2 old detectors in series. I checked the cable but no short and continuity OK etc so rather than replacing the wire, the alarm guys gave me 2 Texecom capture P15s to try. The control panel seems to have all the resistors already there.
My first question is; 4 core cable 12V and 0V wires obvious. Do I then take wires from A (alarm) and D(tamper) back to the control panel as shown on the box for EOL? Do I need to set the resistor in the P15s as the control panel has these.
Secondly, if this works for one P15 how do I connect 2 P15s in series? Do I connect A to D then C to 2nd detector A or B then back to control panel from D ? The detectors will connect through a wall, short cable for 2 rooms. Do I need to change the resistor setting in the P15s.
I have lots of Photos if helpful. Really would appreciate any solution.
Many thanks,