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  1. Great. Worked well. The manual says 97 Enter for walk test and OMIT to leave but there is no OMIT on this keypad (scantronic 9448+). Do I use 99 Enter, or other? Many thanks.
  2. The comments have been really helpful. Thanks. Now I understand the Scantronic 9448+ does not use EOL resistors. The replacement Texecom Capture P15 PIR has an adjustable internal resistor for EOL. How do I take this out of the circuit? Do I just set to O/C O/C.? Many thanks again.
  3. The other detectors have a short non resisted wire joining alarm and tamper (B and D). Do I need to do this in the P15 to complete the loop with 4 core? Thanks. John.
  4. Scantronic 9448+ V3.1 zone 4 disconnected (Blue wire in place of). P15 sensor. I plan to connect A and B to Zone4 (as in diagram) and see if this works (indicating 4 core cable is intact). I then want to connect a second P15 in series but unsure which sensor connections to link in series. Do I need to do anything with the variable resistors in the P15 sensors? Very grateful for an easy explanation! Many thanks. John
  5. I would really like to solve this ongoing problem! I have a scantronic 9448+ control panel which blew the 12V fuse. The alarm company told me it was a fault in a 40ft long 4 core cable to 2 old detectors in series. I checked the cable but no short and continuity OK etc so rather than replacing the wire, the alarm guys gave me 2 Texecom capture P15s to try. The control panel seems to have all the resistors already there. My first question is; 4 core cable 12V and 0V wires obvious. Do I then take wires from A (alarm) and D(tamper) back to the control panel as shown on the box for EOL? Do I need to set the resistor in the P15s as the control panel has these. Secondly, if this works for one P15 how do I connect 2 P15s in series? Do I connect A to D then C to 2nd detector A or B then back to control panel from D ? The detectors will connect through a wall, short cable for 2 rooms. Do I need to change the resistor setting in the P15s. I have lots of Photos if helpful. Really would appreciate any solution. Many thanks, John123 I
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