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Darren S

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Everything posted by Darren S

  1. That had occurred to me, but I don't know how to do so. Though I suppose the little lights that glow alternately on the box on the front wall of the house are something of a deterrent.
  2. Hi We moved into this house 2 years ago, we have an alarm system that we don't use because of our cat. We don't have any instructions, just an alarm code and two remotes with four buttons on, the text has all worn off so I don't know what the buttons are for. The alarm panel in the garage says "G-TEC" on it, it has a numeric keypad, a YES button, a NO button and some other buttons, but the display on the panel are some random pixels so you can't read it. There is another panel on the landing but is completely dead. Most of the time it's fine because we're not using it. But we get a lot of power cuts here, and whenever we do, within minutes the external siren was going off, not particularly loudly, for a period of time. When the power came back, nothing happens until 3 hours later when the internal siren goes off very loudly. I can only cancel it by pressing all 4 buttons on one of the remotes one after the other. Neighbours suggested that the battery probably needed replacing. There is a big white box in the garage about 3 feet above and connected to the panel. I turned off the power, opened it up and replaced the battery (which had a date of 2012 written on it) with a new one. Turned on the power, and sure enough, 3 hours later the internal siren went off again. I'm assuming there must be some kind of alert set on the alarm to sound the internal siren 3 hours after the alarm had gone off? I'm hoping that replacement of that battery will prevent this happening again - or is there another battery somewhere else that needs replacing? The fact the alarm panel's display is dead is not particularly helpful. As I said, we aren't using the alarm so just want the damn thing to stay quiet when we next get a power cut! Thanks Darren
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