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Everything posted by ConfusedPlsHelp

  1. Thank you, al-yeti. I appreciate your help, but I'd prefer not to include my details in a public forum. I'm going through a list of NSI companies that operate in my area to see which alarms and services they offer. I've found some options, but they are slow to reply because I'm 'small business'. It will take some patience, but knowing the products and what I need and want would help.
  2. Maintenance is important, and happy to service the alarm yearly to ensure it runs properly (as I do with the boiler). Monitoring depends on the size/wealth of the house, the internal valuables, safety needs, monthly income, crime rate, etc. Thanks for all the suggestions.
  3. Thanks to everybody for your kind replies. I don't want to do this cheaply. I just don't want unnecessary complexity with sophisticated panels that I cannot reset without the aid of an engineer taking control of my panel remotely or incurring on an expensive monthly subscription to keep it running. It's Veritas not a good system? I'm looking for quality/robustness, but not a smart home. PS: Thanks for the suggestions of protecting the landing.
  4. Thank you for your prompt reply. I know about Eaton, but none of the companies that I've contacted (and replied) seem to install wired Scantronic/Eaton alarms. There appears to be a significant number of installers of Texecom and Pyronix systems (some offer Risco); lots of 'smart' wireless/DIY options (SimplySafe/Ring/Yale, etc.), and the known big firms ADT/Verisure (that offered you a monitoring service). This is why I reduced the options to Texecom Premier and Texecom Veritas. My specific questions are: based on the info provided above, - Should I install a sophisticated Premier alarm or should I go for a basic alarm: Veritas. (Just because these are available and fit the requirements). - Or should I try hard to find a wired Scantronic/Eaton alarm installer? - Is there anything else in the market in terms of wired alarms/good quality/no remote monitoring that I should consider (NO DIY)? I have disregarded Risco as I don't seem to find any advantages over Texecom. There are more installers of Texecom. Thank you again.
  5. Dear Security Experts: I need to replace an outdated Scantronic alarm. These are the property characteristics: - A small, terraced house of two floors (60 sqm in total) - A long patio surrounded by a garden fence. - Located in an average crime post code in London. - Currently, I have 2 motion monitors, a door contact, a shock sensor on a window, and an external bell. No sensors on the second floor. Requirements: - There is nothing of value that I want to protect; but I want a DETERRENT. - The idea that a burglar could be in my place when we're sleeping scares me. I want to set up the alarm at night. - Near zero false alarms. Houses are small, next to each other, and a sensitive alarm will be a serious problem for me. In 20 years, I haven’t had one false alarm with the Scantronic alarm. - I’d like to use the existing wires as I understand a wired alarm is more stable. - Excellent quality and professional installation. - A common alarm that can be serviced in the future by a good number of companies. - Remote monitoring by a security company is NOT required. - Remote self-monitoring via an app is NOT essential. The solutions that I've found are a Texecom Premier 24 (wired, remote control via an app) or a Veritas (wired, no remote control). I can't find installers for new Scantronic or similar alarms. Could you pls advise on which ALARM/brand model/features? Is there any other alarm that will meet the above requirements? I don’t want a cheap solution, on the contrary, but a sophisticated solution can become a headache when a simple one suffices. I know that technology has advanced, but sometimes LESS is MORE. Apologies for the length of the post. This is a topic which is quite confusing for an ordinary person, and, as I'm 'small business', companies don't answer my questions. Pls help, and thank you. PS: I found your website when researching alarms, and your answers keep on popping up.
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