Hi, I need some advice please in order to select which product to favour and which installer to approach.
I have had a scantronic 9448 for the last 30 years. Worked fine, give or take some party balloons and large spiders giving false alarms.
My service company and I have just parted company because they sent an engineer for the annual service who was not trained to service Scantronics.
The result was that he left me with a system that went into alarm if set, this after he factory defaulted the unit from the box.
I managed to get the system working again by programming zone 3 into the E/E group. But the unit will not accept any further program changes.
So now my wife and I have 10 seconds the get out of and back into the house.
I cannot find a local Scantronic maintainer so will need to replace the system,
I do not want and cannot use a wireless system due to my house construction.
The existing wiring is 6 cores to three of my sensors but the other three used two cores each and were daisy chained.
Running new cables to each sensor is not an option.
I have a dissused telephone cable run available. I could use this to link up one new terminal position that replaces one of the three links sensors.
First question is can the installer use telephone twisted pair cable? Not best practice and risky for breaks I would suspect. But desperation times .....
This would leave me with two sensors and six wires.
I am loath to consider two sensors on one zone, and am led to believe that you cannot mix two wire sensor zones with 4 or 6 wire zones.
So second question is can the installer use the + and - wires from one zone to power a sensor on another zone?
This would allow 4 wires, 2 shared power plus alarm / tamper per sensor. If this is the case then it increases the choice of replacement controller.
Many thanks.