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  1. Where I placed the Siren (2mtrs away from panel) its right below the room PIR which is working fine, so does does point to the sounder. But I'll also see if a PIR where the bell box outside is mounted works to be more certain. Thanks. I get it probably could use an upgrade, but if its otherwise working seems a waste to replace (unless there are any other benefits you could suggest?_) Also what would you recommend as a replacement ?
  2. Noticed my siren / bell wasn't working so purchased a new battery, replaced it - but in diagnostics Siren (MCS730) still shows 'S1 - not ok' Old battery was flat & replacement showing 3.6v so should be all good. I took MCS730 off the wall & with it right next to the panel - Now diagnostics works fine showing excellent signal strength. But I take it a couple of meters away and we're back to 'S1 - Not ok'. Could this be a battery issue (even though its new) ? (Don't think so as once I remove the cover breaking the tamper it went off just fine) Or are these bell boxes prone to signal strength issues over time? (assuming its not my panels wireless as PIR's etc are connected just fine) In which case maybe I should just purchase another compatible siren? Any other recommend fault diagnosis before I take this route. Thanks.
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