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  1. No, unfortunately not. It would probably show what the problem is though. I'm thinking it was some kind of fluctuation on the output, that the multimeter wasn't picking up. I'm just glad that it is fixed now.
  2. I put the old PSU back in and kept the 1313 in place. The problem came back, but was less frequent. Maybe one keypad wakeup every two minutes rather than one every 30 seconds. So the 1313 helps somewhat, but there must be something else off with the PSU.
  3. I did not. I still have the old PSU so it is something that I could try.
  4. I have fitted a new PSU, and the problem has been solved. Voltage readings are identical with the new PSU, so I'm not entirely sure why it fixed the problem, but it did. I have also fitted an ACT 1313 spike supressor as a preventative measure, as I will be running more alarm cables. Thank you all for your help.
  5. I know that switch mode power supplies do give a certain level of AC on the output. But it's just the fact that the keypad works fine with the PSU off and then acts up with the PSU on, thats leading me to think that there is a fault with the PSU. A friend has a spare panel so I'm going to borrow the PSU from that to see if it makes any difference.
  6. I will update with new voltage readings and if the keypad issue has been resolved once I get a new PSU.
  7. Thanks. I might fit one also as a preventative measure as they are relatively cheap. I am going to try a new PSU anyway is I'm only getting around 1 V induced on the alarm cables, but 36V with the mains connected so it seems there is a PSU fault. I will update the post once I fit a new PSU and possibly an ACT 1313.
  8. Thank you so much. Looks like the problem has been found. I removed the mains supply from the panel. Induced AC dropped from 36.6 V to 1.1 V. I watched the keypad for 10 minutes and there was no wakeups. Powered up the AC, and watched the keypad again, 3 wakeups within the first minute. So it's looking like a faulty PSU that is leaking too much AC.
  9. Thank you. A bit lower than mine. I don't have any alarm cables running parallel to mains cables, so all the leakage is through the PSU. Might be a next step for me to try a new PSU if moving the keypad doesn't work.
  10. Could anyone with a HKC SW10270 panel tell me what the typical AC voltage is between DC output to earth. I'm trying to rule out AC interference as I read that this can affect touch screens. I am getting 36 V AC when measuring between DC supply on the panel and the mains earth.
  11. Yeah that's a good idea. Will rule out a location issue. I will try that in the next few days and let you know what happens.
  12. Also happens with mine even if I'm 10 metres away from it. I will post a picture tomorrow.
  13. Opposite it is another concrete wall. On one side of it is a mirror and the other side there are key hooks. At ceiling height above the panel there is the alarm panel and the distribution board. I already tried taking down the mirror and keys but it made no difference.
  14. Yes the wall is flat. It's a plastered concrete wall. The keypad sits perfectly on the backplate with no pressure needed to make it sit flush. Just by chance when looking for a fix I watched the below video. The keypad in this video is behaving like mine when the wakeup feature is on.
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