Hi ive got an Optima G4 with additional LCD keypad sited close by, fitted approx 10 years ago. The mains LED is flashing on the keypad indicating a mains power issue. The power led on the main unit is steady. The error log indicates mains failure every few seconds.
All fuses test ok.I can see 240v AC at input and all tests ok. The system runs ok without the battery so mains must be healthy. Battery voltage ok and can see an increase when mains reapplied. Did see a similar report on this site.
The battery is main unit is only a few months old. The siren/bell box was changed recently as it went off in middle of night . I diagnosed it as faulty so changed it so that also has a new battery. Prior to old box being changed i had noticed the flashing LED on the LCD unit so could have been like this for some time.
Is this a problem i should be concerned about or not. All function work ok on the alarm. I can set/ unset it and all tests of siren and strobe function ok along with tamper.
Any ideas or anything else i can try to resolve this issue.