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Everything posted by houseofzane

  1. Ok makes sense I just wasn’t sure if taking it off the system would mean it was out of action but if the battery goes low and could cause interference with stuff then I’ll just get it off. Just wish it wasn’t so bloody high
  2. In installer mode I can see the siren, what if I delete this from the setup. Won’t that mean once turned off it won’t do anything as it’s removed
  3. Just trying to work out a few things and wondering how straight forward it would be to completely remove my visonic powermax alarm. It’s hard wired to a fuse spur next to my fuse board. the landline is hard wired into the unit too I think. I have the installer code. What I’m not sure of is, if I open the control panel and remove the battery backup then turn the power off will the external bell siren be set off. There’s no way I’m going up a ladder to the bell housing. I think it has a backup battery in it. So I would just like to leave it where it is for now. Or can I disconnect the bell housing siren from within the installer mode
  4. Thankyou that’s what I thought. Been looking at changing to one of the smart systems so you’ve confirmed my suspicions
  5. When the copper network gets switched off what will happen to my alarm. It currently uses my landline to ring me when it’s set off. Will this be useless now or can I just add something to it? thanks
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