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  1. Indeed. I took that risk some years ago and it was worthwhile. Yes, I agree about the Texecom Cloud, just sad that DIYers are pushed out. Updating firmware, and more complex applications than Wintex, cloud computing, operating systems, laptops, virtual machines, etc., etc. used to be my job. Wintex is nothing unusual.
  2. Thanks. Sort of confirmed my thoughts. I guess it's a trade-off of my time versus paying someone with a cloud account. Nothing wrong with the Ricochet information - although I do wish it would give better info about battery power. I think it was just a glitch where something went awry. It's been ok for several years, barring battery changes. Had to dig out the original info from around a decade ago.
  3. By 'defaulting' you mean rest to factory setup? That is a possibility if I can then completely reload from Wintex after I've reconfigured the interface.
  4. I have a Texecom Premier Elite 48 + Smartcom. Also have Wintex. It was all working well until this weekend when a PIR sensor had a radio problem when arming. Investigated. Seemed ok. Battery ok, etc, etc. Checked with Ricochet - all ok. And then I made the mistake of getting all the information from the system with Wintex, changing something (banner) and sending it back. Computer crashed mid transfer. Got the system back after it time locked out. Texecom connect/Smartcom setup was scrambled. So Wintex eventually back on line. The problem now is that I can enable the system in any and all zones via the panel, but can't disable anything except via the key fob. When I arm the system the banner disappears and it just shows date/time on the keypad. I think it used to display the banner I can't enable or disable any alarm via the Connect app (Error: Alarm state cannot be changed, please check at the panel). It does report the current state. At the keypad it just returns having told me that it's armed. User has allow arming/disarming. Created a new user - that has identical problems. So, worst case, the system is scrambled and I need an engineer. Best case - someone here has some ideas - UDL codes, Smartcom setup, User configuration?
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