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  1. Thanks for that. This panel was already in situ with a client where we were carrying out a load of other work and I recommended the addition of several zones on the site. One of our guys was very familiar with this panel (duh!), so we did the biz; two radio PIRs, test, commission and it all worked like a dream - seriously, that is a top notch panel. Quite rightly, the decision was made to bring it up to the latest S/W (we do this on everything else, including NVR's, cameras, IoT, etc) to 7.07.01. We are where we are, and the client thinks the panel is around 6 yrs old but can't be sure. I've left it totally power-disconnected over the weekend, but I don't think that will change anything come Monday.
  2. Support advised on a power cycle. Thanks for your response.
  3. Hi Everyone, I've just joined the group (see my Introduction for background!) and I see that this Lounge forum has a load of support questions, so here's mine! We have a bricked I-ON40H+ after a software upgrade to V7.07.01. Strictly-speaking, not 'bricked' in the sense that it's a lost cause, but this damned message means I can't commission it to the client, so it's 'bricked' IMO . I know the language update has to happen before a firmware upgrade, but what we think has happened here is that the engineer thought he had executed a language upgrade (all of this from a keypad) but I don't think that happened. Firmware upgrade was successful but we're left with this feckin language error message. I've did several full power cycles, danced a jig and everything else, but to no avail. My question is, is this worth saving or do we ditch it, learn a few lessons and move on; we've already spent significant amounts of time flaffing about and with no results? Thanks. Jamie
  4. Don't you just love Lionel Richie? Great singer and composer, but he's useless when it comes to alarm systems and sorting out their problems, offering great advice and tons of hints and tips; hence why I'm here I'm an electrical contractor but with a difference! In recent years, my work has extended beyond 'regular' electrical contracting to offering clients something like a one-stop shop for CCTV, intruder systems, IoT solutions, electric gates (the full install!) and intercoms. I use a Hikvision-accredited installer for that area, but for the rest, it's usually my own team of four, including myself. Clients love it when you can offer an end to end solution with only one contractor to deal with, and all of that has given my business a serious boost, with more and more high-end residential clients and a wider spread of businesses, coming onboard. The more the merrier! So, I'm here to, not only get advice, but to also hopefully share some of my experiences that may help some of you guys and girls. I have a 'bricked' Eaton I-ON40H+ at the mo that I'm hoping someone can help with, so as soon as I can post details in the other forum, I'll share that disaster with you. Cheers for now... Jamie
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