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  1. Have a new PSU installed. The system is now working as normal. Thanks all for the advice and information.
  2. Thanks for the replies all. Am I able to purchase a replacement/compatible PSU myself or do I have to go through an installer?
  3. Cannot fully make it out, but assume it's the white brick behind the board? Poor picture, but the incoming power goes in to there and then to the DC pin.
  4. Hi all, I have the above alarm system. In the last couple days it was doing abnormal things. To start with, all PIR sensors stopped working, but the contact sensors were fine (both types are hard wired). Then I started getting a low battery notification in events (battery was changed last year). Then it seemed there is no power at all to the main panel or the keypad. Now when I remove and reinsert the fuse just before the panel, the system powers on, but only for like 5 minutes or so and the whole thing switches off again. Whilst it is powered on, the PIR sensors still do not seem to be in a ready state. Is there anything I can do/check before calling out an installer (alarm is not currently under a maintenance plan)? Thanks.
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