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jimcarter last won the day on February 6 2017

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About jimcarter

  • Birthday 19/03/1965

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    Outside work - Field Sports, i.e. Game Shooting, Fishing (Salmon & Trout), Deer Stalking. Favourite sport - Cricket. Workwise..this great industry and Communication Technology.


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    Newbury, Berkshire

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  1. That's correct, in fact the ultimate is that there are no local exchanges, the roadside cabinet is directly connected to the backbone. My fibre to the house has an NTE that is battery backed (see other thread in Trade Signalling) and provides the 50V and Dialtone for my phone. However, it is likely that this too will disappear and when a client upgrades or installs a new line, they will be provided with a VOIP phone. The issue we have as an industry is that there are many PSTN diallers out there that may not train up or operate correctly on a VOIP circuit. Best thing to do is come along and see what Offcom and BT etc are planning.
  2. As you are clearly more informed that both Offcom and BT perhaps you should be speaking at the event?
  3. BSIA are hosting an event at the UBM office on the 15th March, in London, to discuss the migration to ALL IP. It is a free to attend event with speakers from Offcom, BT Openreach, BT Consumer and Virgin Media. Flyer attached.
  4. PD6669 has just been published, providing clarity around the application of the EN50136 Alarm Transmission Standard. The BSIA are holding a number of breakfast meetings from late this month through to October to provide an overview of this new BSI guidance. A panel including representation from WebWayOne, CSL and the BSIA will be presenting and taking questions. The dates and venues are as follows:- 30th August - BSIA, Blackfriars 31st August - Southern Monitoring (Waterlooville) 6th Sept - Wigan 13th Sept - EMCS (Nottingham) Registration and more detail can be found at the events page on the BSIA website. https://www.bsia.co.uk/events.aspx
  5. Have a look at our CONXTD too... www.conxtd.com Supports any version of Galaxy via our communicators, from Galaxy 16 through to present. Push notifications etc. Apple & Android supported.
  6. Ok...they say you never stop learning. The alarms in the bell do not clear (I was wrong there, won't go into detail but user error on my part, but now I understand I think this could be useful), they refer to the last set of alarms for the site you are looking at, for the day. They are supposed to be a "quick check", so if you click on the bell, you see a summary of the last set of alarms. If they are of interest, then you drop into the site and look at them in more detail. So for now, they remain as they are. Dev say they have not looked at this part of the App for some time and it may be worth re-visiting. No adverse feedback on this "feature" until now, so we'll see how this pans out and it may well change in time.
  7. Well....not at the moment...but someone may bring it up at the next Dev meeting.... Not on mine it doesn't, Click on the yellow bell and it greys out showing the events in a dropdown, Once you exit it the bell symbol is yellow again.. It just wont clear Ok, and mine works fine (typical) ! It's still clear from earlier. But I'll take it back to base and see what they have to say...
  8. The front page is a summary of events that are an interpretation of the SIA event. The number of recent events is noted in the icon which can be customised, and from here you drill down into the detail. In general this is the first negative comment around the use of icons etc; shame, but I think it would be naive if we thought we would please everyone. It's a fundamental aspect of the App, so removing is not really an option for us. I'm not sure what you mean by not clearing...if you click on the bell it provides you with the last set of alarms (i.e. the number displayed), viewing them will clear this down. I've just checked on my version (as I have to make sure I'm not talking bollox!)....and it did clear down as expected. I'll keep an eye on this though just in case there is something amiss (and thanks for mentioning it anyway). Al...as mentioned above, this is just the number of events of that type that have been logged. CONXTD is not an alarm handling package in the vein of Patriot, Sentinel etc. It's not linking up events to form a "confirmed" as it's not meant for that type of application (Police response etc). If the user wants such features then a monitoring station is the answer.
  9. Not an easy one to respond to as I'll end up sounding like I'm defending everything. I guess the issue with releasing a visual aid to a complex situation is difficult to achieve and not everyone will like the outcome. In my experience there are those of us who can absorb written information and those that prefer diagrams and the like (I confess I fall into the latter, I need diagrams for everything!). So having said that, there are both symbols and written interpretations of alarm conditions within both the app and the browser. The service was launched just recently and we have subscribers, but not hundreds yet. Feedback both good and bad can only help improve the solution.
  10. You never know until you try... PM me if you need any more info. Heading out for day so I will be slow in responding.
  11. Open Close list.tiff From CONXTD you can select a filter just to show all Open/Close events and this will give you the text associated. I've attached a screenshot of a report from the past 2 weeks with all OP/CLs from our office. End user can have this and manage. May be worth you having a look at the thread on the topic in this area?
  12. The annual cost is for access to the platform and UDL. If you switched to professional monitoring with and ARC then you would get a charge from them for the relevant monitoring contract. CONXTD is an additional chargeable service. By all means PM me if you need more info.
  13. Yes, we have what we call our 3rd party interface for cloud to cloud connectivity. So information we are holding on the platform can be delivered to other applications.
  14. No problem, I'll post some screen shots later when I have some time.
  15. CONXTD does not need to be open to receive notifications, and yes it does provide banners on a locked screen when an event occurs. In respect of the Galaxy and Texecom App, we have looked at both and at present they are not supported. UDL however, via RSS & Wintex certainly is supported.
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