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Monty last won the day on June 29 2020

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    Lundin Links
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    Mainly work(as you do when self employed ) but member of local 41 club


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  1. Use the out puts and progg to follow partition not sure how much current your sound one draws possible use smart relay just in case
  2. Still using coopers/Menvier/Eaton/still like to wire where possible old school is the best 

  3. Progg a bell delay long enough for you to carry out what you want to do then reset as normal ( remember to remove )
  4. Would agree one to be replaced
  5. We use Menvier dose drop out some times ( prob all do ) over all good site
  6. Are you looking for the strobe to give you conformation of setting /unset coopers panels can give you a 3 strobe flash on both so might be in setting progg
  7. Engineer on site means you have left engineer put in your code then ent ent 1
  8. Take a look at the Ion 40 H good robust easy to use and secure app
  9. Yes we did have a lot of keypads to replace then they withdrew the 'new ' keypad due to using batt to quick !! Only had 1/2 that did that but never recalled we still have them on the shelf but do we fit or will give us problems !!
  10. We use the Eton kit ( Menvier )now badged Ion use 30 r and 40 H both have proven them selves ( most of the time ) also Memvier 40 with bolt on wireless all the same periphirels across the range and the new app for 30 and 40 is good and reliable worth a look at Tec back up not as good as used to be and never see a rep Allan M
  11. We use the coopers M12 and fit remote sounders and an Expander PSU - along with Ion 40H remote access to sys tem with coms works very well and quick and easy to identifie fault/fire alarm not always so easy on the mains operated ones
  12. Sounds like it's set up to lock the key pad out on entry will prob let you use a code to unset once entry timer has run out if this is the case just have to find the setting in DD243
  13. Might have an viper one in the old parts cub will have a look see
  14. the 1st panel we put in was a tunstall CPA6 in a school where we had the Electrical contract Quite a hard one to start on but made the next (A1 9000 ) easy
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