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ee8mjb last won the day on April 12 2021

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About ee8mjb

  • Birthday 07/10/1977

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  • Location
    Paignton, Devon

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  1. We use the Kentec Hydrosense system (available all over - do a google search for "kentec leak detection"). Can either have a local sounder etc, or connect to dialler / redcare, or local pagers etc.
  2. RS232 connection to a Scope pager transmitter (sends the text from eg a galaxy to pocket pagers)?
  3. Visio brilliant for "drag and drop" functionality, but I now use Serif DrawPlus for just about everything, including plans. It reads and writes PDF's which is a real bonus - I either ask for plans in pdf, or use Autodesk or similar (free viewer) to convert cad files to pdf, import into DrawPlus, drop my symbols on top, colour in a set for the zone plan, and output everything as PDF again. Believe it or not my colleague uses Word for plans and swears by it - before you laugh, MS have nicked a lot of Visio functionality and hidden it in Word (2013 onwards) - once you add symbols to the library, turn on the grid and "drawing canvas", it isn;t actually too bad as a basic drawing program. The big advantage is that almost everyone has it already. Matt
  4. Security/fire related manufacturer in South Devon looking for office based technical sales person. Must have fire/security background on the tools, very IT literate, good communicator (on phone and by email). Inbound enquiries, system design, order processing, some tech support. Competitive salary. Office hours. Great environment, friendly staff, very low staff turnover. No on-call! Full product training. PM or reply for details.
  5. This lot do all mine - very good and cheapest I've found for quality: http://www.rivieralabels.co.uk/contact_us.html prizes may be won for minimalist website of the year...
  6. One of the big attractions of Protean was the way it syncs - it works perfectly offline, syncs when it can, and provides real time info at the office end to sync status for each job - so you know who's seen what and - crucially - when they saw it. Can't remember exactly how AM did it but from memory was less effective than Protean when we looked in to it. Now forgive me for the detail here as I'm straying into territory I know very little about (what's new!), but as I understand it from my IT geek, most of the online (servicem8 type) browser-based apps use the 'LocalStorage' browser cache (limited to 2Mb on Android and 5Mb on Apple). Lots of these companies prefer to go Apple-only because they can use non-standard methods for local data storage and test/guarantee they'll work (limited range of devices to check) - whereas with Android there are an unlimited array of devices to worry about compatibility with so they're stuck with established proscribed methods and all their limitations. Protean built their own sync system from the ground up in their own app - which had my IT guy murmuring with appreciation (strange what gets them excited) - and it avoid all of this. It is apparently a tricky thing to do, but they have pulled it off totally. Matt
  7. Bit misleading, 2 engs also needed office seats, couple of engs in pairs so just had one license per pair to start with. The business covers a few sectors, some admin staff are function based, not sector based. Efficient in many ways - but not for implementing protean! Looking at the figures I gave it does seem admin heavy I admit! However don't forget we we going from almost 100% paper-based to totally paperless - so actually admin load dropped hugely. Long long overdue and very scary, but well worth it.
  8. It was about 25k ish for 8 office seats and 10 engs, plus ongoing maintenance if you want it
  9. Having thoroughly confused architects, specifiers and engineers for years with the G2 and G3 range of intruder alarms, Honeywell's new fire panel range will be the P1, L2, L3 and don't forget the popular LD3... ;0
  10. If you can afford it, and you're prepared to spend the time getting it right, Protean. Once it's set up it basically runs everything. It even understands my engineers. It's one of those programs that just does everything, and does it well, but it needs a massive financial and time commitment to implement. Well worth it though.
  11. Again, it is possible to make very simple changes from the panel - but for any major changes, or changes affecting more than a couple of devices, then you do need to use the software.
  12. Hello. The short answer is yes, you do need to remove the sensors in order to address them. It is possible to change the address of a single sensor from the panel, but if all the sensors are set to 255 then this won't be possible. Sorry! Matt
  13. The oldest panel we look after was 32 years old this week (yep 1 customer since new, fully functional, full drawings marked up with cable routes and junction boxes). It's weird working on stuff that was fitted before I was born, and the bloke who fitted it is probably long gone (customer remembers he retired the year after is was fitted)... Matt
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