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Jim Randle

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Jim Randle last won the day on November 21 2016

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    East Midlands


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  1. Guardall use EOL 8K2 in parallel. I've changed a few out to Texecom Elite panels and left the EOL's as Guardall values. If you program the panel zones to 4K7/4K7, it works fine. Jim
  2. If it's a Chubb panel it will have a rolling engineer code. You will need an AVRISP2 In-system programmer and the UK firmware from Guardall to change the firmware from Chubb. A lot of pain really. I maintain about 100 of them. Jim
  3. Connect to the panel, Click on Receive and choose Receive All (Data &Log). Any PIRs that are between the entry doors and the keypad or stairs and keypad should be Guard Access. Any that need to be off at night Part 1 Omit. You could click on Accounts and Backup Account Data. Then post the backed up account for us to look at. Jim
  4. Hi , I'd default the panel and start again. Don't bother with two areas or Area Arm Suites. Everything in area A. Landing Part 1 Omit. Keypad Quickset on. Hall Guard Access. Part Arm Silent. What can go wrong? Press Part then yes at night. Landing will be off, Hall will be Entry. Jim
  5. You could check the "Quick Arm is On" in the keypad options menu. With the landing PIR attribute "Part 1 Omit" checked. Then you can part set by pressing Part then Yes on the keypad without using a tag or PIN. The hall is already Guard Access so it will be entry in part set. Jim
  6. We're not that short of work. I've told them we're not interested in installing it. Funny thing was, I was on an SSAIB inspection in an adjacent industrial unit when their site electrician came over and asked me to install it. I've told him to do it himself or I can quote for a real system. Thanks for your input. Jim
  7. I would appreciate that. We are SSAIB. Rutland & Belvoir Ltd.
  8. I did apply for trade but nothing happened.
  9. Hi All, Here's one to make you smile. Someone's just asked us to install a Luxhome system that he has bought himself, in a commercial premises. We normally install Texecom Elites. Your comments would be appreciated:) Jim
  10. Hi jg999, I Think this one still works 07785499993. Jim
  11. Me too, installed loads of them. Texecom every time. Defaults as a monitored system though, so you'll have to re-program as bells only, Jim
  12. Mr Beast is right. I should have remembered. The older one's are OK to open. Jim
  13. If your panic button looks like this, you can undo the two screws, take the front off and push the buttons back with your finger.
  14. Where are they selling them at £x? ADI quoted me £x plus special delivery charge as they don't stock them. Jim
  15. We have had a few switched mode PSUs fail. Texecom say its due to mains problems but they should be more robust. Their Tech Support said that they have "Over Engineered" the PSUs to get round the problem. I don't know if they are installing them in all new panels though. Perhaps someone from Texecom will tell us. Adrian?. Jim
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