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Found 18 results

  1. Hi all, I have the above alarm system. In the last couple days it was doing abnormal things. To start with, all PIR sensors stopped working, but the contact sensors were fine (both types are hard wired). Then I started getting a low battery notification in events (battery was changed last year). Then it seemed there is no power at all to the main panel or the keypad. Now when I remove and reinsert the fuse just before the panel, the system powers on, but only for like 5 minutes or so and the whole thing switches off again. Whilst it is powered on, the PIR sensors still do not seem to be in a ready state. Is there anything I can do/check before calling out an installer (alarm is not currently under a maintenance plan)? Thanks.
  2. Hi guys I follow this forumn from time to time but this is my first post. Had a question on my Agility 3 - I noticed on the version I have, I cannot change certain settings like: System: controls: Configuration Software Enable (Yes/No , Default is Yes) Also cannot change settings like: Default Enable (currently set to N) ARC enable Therefore, looks like I have been given the Sub-Engineer code thus limiting those changes? If I proceed with Dip3 change to default and power cycle, will it perform the reset although the “Default Enable” is currently set to No on the system? You advice will be appreciated. Many thanks Max
  3. I had Risco Agility 3 with IP and GSM modules installed 2 days ago with Asda pay as you go card. The installer set up the Follow Me, I've added my phone numbers and from user menu sent test message. Received test message. But it seems that there is no message is actually sent during defined events, ie alarm. I even went to engineer menu and added event to send message for setting an alarm and still no luck. Anyone have any ideas? If someone can ping me an installer guide for agility 3 that might be helpful as I've used standard agility manual. Other question does anyone know how to set check balance using Asda sim? From website it should be text BAL to 2732, but setting it in panel and executing from user menu dont get me any results.
  4. Hello guys, I have a Risco Agility 3 with IP and GSM - both comms working fine. I have defined two Follow Me (FM), 1 = Me via SMS and 2 = The Wife via SMS also. I as FM1 get all SMS for events defined no probs. However, FM2 (i.e. The wifes phone) does not get anything - her phone is defined correctly - FM test successful (she gets a text) and she can set/unset via sms no probs. Is this by design perhaps, that the system tries the FM numbers in order and if FM1 IS successful, i.e. a SMS was sent ok to FM1 THEN IT IGNORES ALL OTHER DEFINED FMs? If so then it's a bit silly, as we would both like to get SMS for all events defined. Any thought and ideas will be appreciated. Many thanks.
  5. My alarm installer is a cabbage and has left me with an alarm system that doesn't seem to be operating smoothly. He left me an engineers installation manual but the grandmaster code he wrote down doesn't work. [Link removed] details [...] to default the Grandmaster and Engineer codes back to the documented [codes] So I took the panel off the wall and carried out the following steps: [Defaulting details removed] [...] then reconnecting power makes the panel announce a tamper error and refuses to do anything on the keypad. Putting DIP switch 3 back in to the on position stops the errors but wont let me change PIN codes. So i'm stuck at the moment.... what's the missing steps to complete a reset and change of the engineer and grandmaster codes ?
  6. Hi All, Wondering if anyone has an Risco RS232 cable or a PTM chip that they are willing to flog off? Cheers Max
  7. Hi all, I recently removed a risco door contact from its door frame to repaint the frame. Once putting the door contact back on the door frame the alarm is now saying that there is an error. I have a gardtec 600 control panel which states ‘error please enter code’ and when I put the code in to set the alarm it says I need to contact the security firm. Anyone able to assist with fixing this error without me having to pay for an engineer! Thanks!
  8. Can anyone offer an idea? We have an Agility 3 that worked fine for ages, then suddenly went offline for no apparent reason. Now we can't do anything with the keypad - it won't accept an engineer's code or anything - just says there was an alarm on one of the devices [alarm went off when we entered as key fob doesn't work either now.] We tried re-'learning' the pad to the panel, and it says it is fine. Panel LEDs are all correct. Heaps of credit on the SIM card, GSM serive int he area is good. Since it's offline, we can't do anything through the cloud either. HELP???!!!
  9. What do we think about charging for the APP use to clients, Risco, Eaton is Free both APP & Cloud, HKC charge for both APP & Cloud, Pyronix has Free APP & free Cloud 1st year, then annual subscription, Texecom charge for APP but it uses client direct web connection and needs a degree to programme. Current we include the feature in the annual maintenance agreement, but where clients do not renew which is getting more and more common, we charge, additionally most of the APPS are based on clients broadband, when that faulters from time to time as they do, they want us to fix FOC, thoughts gratefully appreciated
  10. Hey guys an gals! I'm a security installer in the north west, having some trouble with the lightsys panel and the fire alarm aspect, using an apollo smoke, end of line, the zone is programmed as a "fire" and is not in tamper, yet when I trigger it it isn't triggering the alarm, I thought this is wired correctly but it mustn't be? It has got power and lights up but doesn't trigger the alarm. any help would be massively appreciated! Thanks people.
  11. Hi I have an agility 3 with GMS module & IP module The alarm is working correctly, and the app notify me of alarm notifications. What I have wanted to sort out is SMS notifications for set/unset events. I have a TESCO PAYG sim card in place with enough credit. The check balance function works fine, but the follow me won't notify me of set and unset events. I have set the SMS centre number, and defined the follow me numbers - ensuring the correct events have been selected. However on set/unset I get no sms messages. If I send an SMS to the panel such as <user code>ST - I get an appropriate response; also I get a message from the panel when test the FM number through the keypad. I have also made sure the FM Call All is set to Y in the installer menu. Can anyone offer any ideas ??? Do I need to enter mobile & SMS centre numbers as: 07xxxxxxxxx or 00447xxxxxxxxx or +447xxxxxxxxx Best wishes James
  12. I am working on a home automation project and would like to control my Risco Agility 3 alarm from it. i can control my alarm through their cloud website and the app, but would like to know if there are any local ports / urls or whatever which I can connect to. any ideas?
  13. Hi, I'm going to install my new Risco VUPoint outdoor IP camera, and I'd like to connect it to my Risco Agility 3 alarm system and the Cloud. I have attached my camera to my router and I see images via my browser correctly. Unfortunately I can't connect it to the cloud. Following manuals I found that I have to go to riscocloud.com/ELAS/WAAPP in order to setup my camera with my agility 3 and the cloud. When I try to login with the credentials that I usually use in https://riscocloud.com/ELAS/WebUI the page remain in the login form without access. Can someone help me to configure my camera with risco cloud? Thanks
  14. Hi Guys, Anyone know how to make voice calls on the Risco Agility 3? I want to have a 2-way voice call with main unit for discussion with the intruder! I have allowed incoming calls (Programming -> System -> Controls -> Advanced -> Disable Incoming Call -> N). I am trying to call the sim card phone number (tested on a mobile and it works).
  15. A couple of weeks ago we started getting a "System Troubles:" message on the keypad screen when attempting to set the Agility 3 alarm. When this message appears it pretty much blocks the alarm from doing anything else. It can happen over and over again. The alarm was installed last March/April 2015 and hasn't shown this problem until February 2016 -- and it stopped us being able to set the alarm on exit for a few days. Then all of a sudden the problem went away, luckily on a day it was really needed. I read in the manual today that the troubles can be bypassed - but is it possible to retrospectively review what caused the troubles? All the times the message appears it was my other half setting the alarm and I wasn't present until the day it did work (typical!)
  16. Hello! I'm an Risco Agility 3 owner - and had enough trying to get the installer to sort out some issues so i'm doing it myself! So I'm looking forward to some technical talk here.
  17. If I set DIP switch 2 to 'on' and wire up a simple phono cable to the SPKR and GND terminals I can link the Agility 3 panel up to the line-in on my Sonos AMP nearby. This allows the voice notifications and beeps to be played through a selected Sonos zone in the house (or group of them) which is lovely as my main Agility panel is in the loft far away from the front door. However if DIP switch 2 is 'on' and DIP switch 3 is 'off' I get a panel tamper alarm going off. This isn't discussed in the engineer manual so I'm wondering if there's some standard procedure i've missed regarding storing new DIP switch positions before power cycling or something ? Or is there something i need to do with the remaining external audio terminals? I couldn't see an official Risco device that connects up to all these terminals either - does one exist ?
  18. Hello everybody! I have a question for anybody who knows about the Risco Novagard 4 bell box. I've seen them on houses with 2 red flashing LEDs they all seem to be working correctly but the one on our house doesn't have any LEDs flashing at all. It is connected to a Pyronix Paragon Plus alarm panel which is working fine and the alarm gets used. I have no Idea how old it is but I'm guessing mid 90s because of the colour of the bell box and the type of panel. As far as I know since we moved to our house in 2002 it has never had any LEDs flashing then ether. Here is a link to the picture:http://www.riscogroup.com/uk/sites/default/files/GT%20Products_NovaGard%204%20Cover%20WhWh.jpg Any help would be much appreciated on solving the mystery of the bell box. Gabs
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