Hey everyone,
Do you guys have experience with DSC or Paradox or Satel alarms?
I'm just starting to dig myself in to the topic of alarms and I intend to start by trying to set up a very simple very small Satel alarm for the shed. But later on I would like to learn a bit more and the 2 main companies offering courses are the alarm makes DSC and Paradox here.
I have neither the time or the money to do both, plus I think at this level that might confuse me more than be helpful.
If you are familiar with eiter (or hopefully both) which one would you recoomend?
Points I would consider are for example: User friednliness, installer friendliness, quality of their products (from panles to sensors), fullness of the product range (if they offer solutions for most needs).
I know most people are partial to the brand they know the best. Thanks for your input