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Found 15 results

  1. I am interested in the Scantronic i-on40h panel as a replacement for my existing wired security system. My house is currently protected via a hard wired and I plan to add more zones (wirelessly to avoid pulling cables in), but I am also wanting to protect my detached garage which is approximately 30 metres away from the house. The garage has a wired internet connect and there is also WiFi available. Can you please advise of the best and most secure way to add a new zone to this type of alarm (is an extender required)? Many thanks in advance
  2. Dear Security Experts: I need to replace an outdated Scantronic alarm. These are the property characteristics: - A small, terraced house of two floors (60 sqm in total) - A long patio surrounded by a garden fence. - Located in an average crime post code in London. - Currently, I have 2 motion monitors, a door contact, a shock sensor on a window, and an external bell. No sensors on the second floor. Requirements: - There is nothing of value that I want to protect; but I want a DETERRENT. - The idea that a burglar could be in my place when we're sleeping scares me. I want to set up the alarm at night. - Near zero false alarms. Houses are small, next to each other, and a sensitive alarm will be a serious problem for me. In 20 years, I haven’t had one false alarm with the Scantronic alarm. - I’d like to use the existing wires as I understand a wired alarm is more stable. - Excellent quality and professional installation. - A common alarm that can be serviced in the future by a good number of companies. - Remote monitoring by a security company is NOT required. - Remote self-monitoring via an app is NOT essential. The solutions that I've found are a Texecom Premier 24 (wired, remote control via an app) or a Veritas (wired, no remote control). I can't find installers for new Scantronic or similar alarms. Could you pls advise on which ALARM/brand model/features? Is there any other alarm that will meet the above requirements? I don’t want a cheap solution, on the contrary, but a sophisticated solution can become a headache when a simple one suffices. I know that technology has advanced, but sometimes LESS is MORE. Apologies for the length of the post. This is a topic which is quite confusing for an ordinary person, and, as I'm 'small business', companies don't answer my questions. Pls help, and thank you. PS: I found your website when researching alarms, and your answers keep on popping up.
  3. Gabs

    Scantronic 9500 advert

    Just thought I would share an old style advert I made on Photoshop, I like making these in my spare time

    © Gabriel

  4. Good evening, I am writing to ask you info about the following problem. Today it has been the third time in less then 2 months that my Scantronic alarm started to make an internal sound - maybe a brief external one as well? - and give me the error "Sound Tamper Reset Required". I have performed the Engineer reset correctly all these times, but I was wondering if maybe this error means that I have to change my alarm battery. What do you think? Thanks for your help Steven
  5. Hi all, hoping for some recommendation on which Scantronic parts I should go for. I’m currently in the process of renovating a 1 bed flat and whilst I have floors open and walls not yet plastered. I want to lay cables for an alarm system, I think I would like to have a hybrid wired system so I have the the options to add additional wireless sensors at a later stage if required, Scantronic has been recommended, I will also be adding a couple of external poe cameras, QVIS viper have also been recommended but open to any suggestions, might also look at adding a Konncected panel later if there is benefit. So I would really appreciate if someone could advise on what Scantronic alarm I should go for, I think I just need 3motion sensors, for the living room, bedroom and hall, then maybe some window sensors, not sure if wired/wireless are best. I would like the control panel to be quite modern looking also. Many thanks in advance!!! ?
  6. Hi Chaps Wondered if you could help. Ive a Scantronics 9651 with engineers codes etc. i recently moved a PR Sensor for decorating and tripped a fuse on the board. While out of use (awaiting fuses) I took the opportunity to remove the keypad and clean the contacts as several buttons were not working properly. Afterwards I changed the relevant fuse and despite having codes I’m unable to reset my system from a Bell Temper & Aux DC Fault. Any tips would be gratefully appreciated. many thanks Steve
  7. Hi I've just moved into a new house and I've inherited a Scantronic 9448ES alarm with a 9427 remote keypad and I want to re-configure it. I have a copy of the 9448+ Style Installation and Programming Guide, document 496574 issue 3 (attached). The guide describes the default settings and configuration options for all zones except zone 4. I'm not sure why zone 4 was not included - a typo? Can anyone advise zone 4's default settings, its 'change use' command code and its configuration options? Thx. Jaybeuu
  8. I have a Scantronic 9851 system installed with 14 zones, it was already installed in the house when we moved here two years ago. Recently I was unable to reset the system after an alarm; I was told that the control panel had crashed following an alarm activation causing a loss of 12v DC and that the control equipment needed to be replaced with a Texecom system. I've had good service from Scantronic systems for many years, so I did not have this done. At Christmas, the smoke alarm set the system off when cooking the Christmas dinner and the system was reset using the access code as normal. I'm reluctant to spend a lot of money replacing equipment which is working OK. Can anyone advise please whether the alleged fault is likely to be real and how to check the system out.
  9. hello I have the above alarm all working fine except for the doorbell which is the Exit Terminate button in day mode. it’s says in the user manual, quote:Turning the Chime On/OffYour system may be programmed so that a chime tone sounds whenever certain doors are opened while the system is unset. If your system has an Exit Terminate button, then it will act as a door bell while Chime is on. To turn Chime on or off:1. Key in your access code. The display shows "_ _ "2. Press 7 followed by y (Clear).I have tried this and it doesn’t work, is there a programming feature in E mode that I’m missing?...I’ve just re set the whole system in E mode and added the chime function to zone 1 (final exit zone) and have a brand new battery and all is working perfectly except for this one feature.. plz Help Many thanks Clare
  10. The other day, whilst at home and the system unset, the speaker sounder went off (but not the SAB). I entered the engineers code (didn't try a user code first) and the alarm stopped. I've not had any false alarms whilst the system was set. Not had any problems since. It seems this was a one off. The log reports "K01 missing" and "K01 restore". The wiring to the keypad is fine although it does pass near the consumer unit and had already been relocated by previous owners by a local company after false alarms (reason for those not in report). Their recommendation was to use screened cable to the keypad if the "false alarm" continued. Is the 9943 prox keypad prone to these errors? Anything to look for?
  11. I have 2 issues, firstly I want to setup the alarm part set B for night; so that it triggers the timer when you enter the hall, the problem is the hall is set as an entry route for the full set A and the other part sets (the doors are final exits..), so the only way to trigger the timer is putting the hall zone as a final exit too would that conflict with the doors/other settings? Is there a correct way about doing it? I don't want to put the upstairs PIR to final exit because it would trigger if someone went to the bathroom. I also need to replace the keypad because the one I have is broke & touching it can sometimes cause a tamper alarm, I've ordered a new but need a way to install it without defaulting the system (don't want to reprogram it again), is there a way to do this? if I turn the mains off and put the keypad in installer mode and just changed the keypad there would it cause any issues? Or do I need to turn everything off and reset all the settings?
  12. Apologies for reposting what others have experienced, but in my case I do have (what is supposedly) the engineer's code, and I'm still being locked out. Display: "Reset Required > Sound Tamper" Lights: Power LED (green), Service LED (red) I've tried typing in both the Engineer's code, and my own but in both cases the display says the code is invalid. I suspect I already know the answer ("the Engineer's code you have isn't the right one"), but I'm just posting in case I've missed an RTFM moment, such as 'press x, then key in the code'. I'm not hopeful, but I'd be a fool not to even ask if there's something I can do without the expense of calling out an engineer. Thanks in advance.
  13. I have a yellow light on the control unit that states 'call installer' The log also reports "Tamper Z07 Rstr" which is the remote input panel This was after the property lost power and was hard-reset at the fuse box. Any suggestion is welcome
  14. Hello, I have wired an extension and been asked to add a couple of PIR's and Door contacts to an existing Bells only system its a Scantronic 9651. There are not enough zones present in the panel so have added a 9954 expander. Now the problem is that I cant find the extra zones, The system has 2 keypads, one with no link the other with id 2 link. The 9954 has no link set for id. Do I need to kick start the panel? will this delete config or passcodes? I am expecting the extra zones to appear as zone 9 onwards as the id is not set in the expander. I know the Menvier panels can be asked to rescan the system hardware, is this possible or nescessary on the 9954? Any advice would be much appreciated. Thank you Dave
  15. I used to be selfemployd before retirering and mostly i used to instal Scantronic panels at that time and lately I have been interested in the Texecom range. Hope to be of help in this forum
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