I have a Veritas R8 alarm system that functions perfectly well with front and rear door control keypads. There is an internal sounder that bleeps when someone comes in and out the house and I have turned that off. But the same box sounds off when we have a mains failure. and bleeps every 5 minutes or so, and is very loud. The problem I have is that we had a mains failure to the area last night (just before midnight) and took hours to resolve. But as you might imagine we had a loud bleep indoors every 5 minutes when we were trying to sleep. The external sounder did not go off thankfully.
I know the customer and the engineer's installer security codes for the system so I can access everything, but I can't see a code to turn down the volume on the internal sounder (if that's the right name) or even disable it completely in the event of a mains failure. I really don't want keeping awake because we have no power. Can anyone please suggest what code I can input? I think <eng code> 053 might do it, but until we have another mains failure I can't be certain I have input the right code.
Many thanks.