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Wireless Cctv Aerial Problem

Guest Jonbhoy

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Guest Jonbhoy

Hi all,

Bought a CCTV cam and receiver from ebay a few weeks ago and on the whole

pleased as for the price it isnt a bad base entry system.Its a 1.2ghz system

(Got a 2.4ghz system but reception was awful where i had it....plus my

wireless keyboard and mouse stopped working with it on!).I have it set up at

the front door which is fairly shaded but not to bad and the picture is

usually pretty sharp.This is the cam i bought....


One problem is it has one of those aerials that is like a piece of wire

coming through the top of it and im wondering if this is the problem.During

the day i find the picture gets darker and darker (Not just the natural

light fading) but if i go out and more the aerial about a little i go back

and check the picture and its back to being bright and sharp.I have it

fitted where there is an overhang of only about 2 inches between the cam and

the woden over hang but as the aerial can bend dont see that as a

problem.Anyone had similar with theirs?

Also as it seems a fairly enclosed casing is it possible for a specialist to

fit a more upgraded aerial to them such as a good rubberised one?

Many thanks all,


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Hi Jon,

You can get 2.4GHZ antennas but I have never seen a replacementfor a 1.2GHZ so think you may have trouble, and even then alternative antennas are for the receivers only not the transmitters.

The fading sounds like a problem with the camera/transmitter, I doubt you will find a cure to this.

Did you buy the equipment from a ebay shop in the UK or a private seller?

Personally I would be asking the seller to replace the equipment, or at least ask them to find a solution.

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Guest Jonbhoy

Hi Rich,

Many thanks for your reply.Yes all i have noticed is 2.4ghz aerials too . It was a private seller and sadly no answer to any of my emails.I bought it for about

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Evening Jonbhoy,

This is a bit of a silly suggestion for you to try.

See if you can straighten out the aeriel in a horizontal plane (perhaps using tape to hold it in position, then reposition the receiver aeriel so that it's pretty much in the same plane as the TX aeriel. This may help .... or it may not!

If the receiver aeriel is detachable, it may be possible to get hold of a replacement higher gain type.

How far do you think the camera is located from the receiver?

cheers for now,

another Jon :lol:

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Guest Jonbhoy
I doubt you will find a company to do what you want, and if you do find someone that will attempt it, your probably looking to pay
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Thats why i was saying about maplins,didnt think they could help with the fix but might know some guy or backstreet small shop that maybe does electronics small scale.Even an electrical hobbiest might be able to do it if its a case of resoldering a new aerial onto the circuit.

tbh, I'd personally steer clear of anyone that uses Maplins as people who actually know what they're doing don't buy stuff from them.

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Remember that the ariel and transmitter/ reciever should be manufactured to a specific standard and if you alter it and it causes interference to other users, unless you have a license covering the modified equipment, you could be liable to a vist from the men from OFCOM and that could be very costly.

Just something you should consider, before modifying any radio transmitters/ recievers.

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Guest Jonbhoy
Remember that the ariel and transmitter/ reciever should be manufactured to a specific standard and if you alter it and it causes interference to other users, unless you have a license covering the modified equipment, you could be liable to a vist from the men from OFCOM and that could be very costly.

Just something you should consider, before modifying any radio transmitters/ recievers.

Many thanks for that,its not something i had even thought of thats why i was looking for someone that will know what they are doing . If i was to do it i might bring gatwick air control to its knees knowing my luck ;-)

Run a cable?

Sadly cant as its a wireless camera , no A/V outputs on the cam to run a cable to.

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