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How do you install CCTV

Guest gewens

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Guest cienfuegos


Well I'm new to this forum and was wondering how I could learn how to become an installer of CCTV security systems (for homes and small businesses for starters). If anyone could point to the right direction I would greatly appreciate it. Please reply to cienfuegos@addressisp.com

Thank you.

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Its a forum and open to everyone to use and if we sent replies by email no one will benefit, so sorry but I will post here:

A good place to start is your local trade supplier they will be able to show basic equipment from several suppliers and arrange training on the same. You can the progress on to more complex systems that would involve lots of training from the nominated manufacturers of the equipment specified, but this is an ongoing process as equipment is allways evolving.

You could also contact your local colledge and see what training is available to you.

But you cant beat the benefit of getting an apprenticeship with a professional firm and working with an engineer who has been working on the equipment for years, because thats the only way you will pick up all the little trade tips etc.

Remember there a lot more to it than simply getting the camera, monitor and cable out of a box and plugging them together.


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Trying not to sound sarcastic, I have been installing and maintaining CCTV for over 15 years (any of you guys remember when Modern were bought by CamEra and moved to Enfield?) and I spend every week trying to keep up with modern technological changes and The Act.

You cannot recommend any system without first seeing the site, and I certainly wouldn't recommend any 'off the shelf' solution as it would only undermine the expertese gained by all of us over the years and the knowledge we can put back in . This would leave the end user open to criticism, by both the profession, and the authorities, when the evidence is deemed inadmissable in Court.

We all run Companies to create a solution to a problem, not to send an end user into the arena, with the lion, unarmed.



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  • 1 month later...

· VideoCAD is a tool of view area and cameras' arrangement calculation

that will help you in designing CCTV of any complexity and functions.

· VideoCAD is user-friendly, allowing even the beginners to use the new

opportunities appearing to be hard to obtain without it due to

the complexity of calculations and therefore not being used even by

the skilled engineers of CCTV.

· VideoCAD practically boosts the quality of CCTV developing to a new

level which appears to be beyond any competition with those lacking

the program.

With VideoCAD you can:

· Choose the most suitable lenses, heights and locations for camera

installation to provide the required parameters of view areas, detect

and identify a person, read license plates out and obtain an object image

of required size on a display using the known actual sizes and location

of an object.

· Choose visually a relative location of cameras using the graphics window

with CAD interface.

· Calculate the horizontal projection sizes of viewing, person detecting,

identifying and license plate reading-out areas to draw them on the

object plan.

· Measure the view area distortions, arising from natural obstacles.

-Calculate the image size on a display of any object in camera view area

in the percentage of display size, pixels, TV lines and millimetres.

· Obtain a drawing containing two projections of object layout with the

camera images, calculated view areas and cables, and with coordinate grid

and text to be pasted into explanatory notes as an illustration as well.

· Obtain a text file with full description of all the cameras in project,

view areas and cables to be pasted into a project explanatory note or

used as an instruction on installation.

· Study the influence of the criteria of person detection, identification

and license plate reading-out on the sizes and location of the

correspondent areas by changing the criteria according to the video image

quality obtained.

· Study the principles of object representation in different view area

parts using test object and graphics window.

· Calculate the length and electric parameters of cables.

· Spare the means and win tenders due to the reduction of cameras'

quantity in projects and the increase of their efficiency.

· Reduce the time expended and boost the design quality.

· Cut down the amount of controversial situations with customers and

accelerate their solution.


CCTVCAD Software

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I checked out the VideoCAD demo.

It doesnt take into account that you cant take for granted certain aspects of installation.

If you could install in a perfect world/enviroment then maybe i can see a use for it!

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