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Ljd 16port - Over The Internet

Guest stockers2006

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Guest stockers2006

Hi guys! (& Gals!),

I am a complete novice at this CCTV stuff and am having a few problems.

I am an IT technician and therefore have a reasonable knowledge of computers and IP addresses etc.

A very good friend of mine who runs a pub in my local town has asked me to have a look at the camera system that was installed before he took over the pub.

All I can tell you is that it was installed about a year ago and it is made by LJD and has 16 ports for cameras, all of which are occupied.

It is connected to a Dlink DI-604 router which is connected to my Motorolla cable modem.

I also have a PC connected to the router which uses the internet connection. The IP address is static, well so long as the cable modem is not turned off - which unless there is a power cut - shouldnt happen!

From this PC I can view the cameras etc using the software that was left with system.

My friend wants to be able to view the cameras from his home PC which is not at the pub, over the internet. After reading through some of the posts in this forum i have established that this can be done.

Can anybody help me in the setting up of this.

Thank you in advance for any help that you can give me! I have been going round in circles!



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The actual model of the DVR would help.

I don't know why, but for some reason I don't think you will be able to log in over the internet normally I know this was a problem with earlier DVR's. I think you may have to create a VPN and use the software you are using locally and do it that way.

Hang around though I am sure others will be able to shed more light on it for you.

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Guest stockers2006
The actual model of the DVR would help.

I don't know why, but for some reason I don't think you will be able to log in over the internet normally I know this was a problem with earlier DVR's. I think you may have to create a VPN and use the software you are using locally and do it that way.

Hang around though I am sure others will be able to shed more light on it for you.

Thanks Rich, The manual, whch isnt very much help says that it can be done but it gives no clues as to how to set it up. I will get the model number and let you know.

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Thanks Rich, The manual, whch isnt very much help says that it can be done but it gives no clues as to how to set it up. I will get the model number and let you know.

Have called LJD they might be able to assist you better.

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Guest Robmanchester

Can you confirm if you can connect to the DVR directly with a computer using the Ethernet to Ethernet and ping the DVR?

Have you set up the IP address in the DVR?

Let me know as I have se the LJD DVR for remote connection in the past.

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You probably need to forward the port the DVR uses from your cable modem to the DVR's IP and use the software on the remote computer. like others have said, you'll need the model no. to find the port it uses.

If you don't know......ask.

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Again, if you have the model number, that would be a great help. IS it PC based or a standalone DVR. Another thing to be wary of is the WAN IP address of the cable modem, NTL uses alot of proxy (cache) servers that can mask your true IP address. Make sure you are using the correct WAN IP address to connect, get it from your router config page.

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Guest stockers2006
Again, if you have the model number, that would be a great help. IS it PC based or a standalone DVR. Another thing to be wary of is the WAN IP address of the cable modem, NTL uses alot of proxy (cache) servers that can mask your true IP address. Make sure you are using the correct WAN IP address to connect, get it from your router config page.

Hey all!

thanks for your help guys...I have managed to view over LAN. It uses some software that came with it. if you want I can email the install files to you as they wont fit on here (817Kb).

I have got the WAN IP address from the router's config page. I will find the model number out and post it here.

I spoke to LJD and they were not prepared to help me because I did not buy the system directly from them. Infact, it was already at the pub when we got there!! I have traced the company that it was bought from and they have gone bust so I cannot assk them to configure it!LJD advised me that they could not help me and that i should go to my distributer who i bought it from!!!

Stand-alone or PC based? -well, there is a TV screen attached to it which it outputs to. That is where you have to make all the adjustments to the settings. But the to view the cameras accross the lan I just installed the software...got the IP address from the dvR config page (displayed on the TV screen by pressing some buttons on the DVR) and entered it into the software and clicked "CONNECT" and it just worked!

If the IP of the DVR is on the LAN, would I have to tell my router to forward that address?

Starting to get really confused!! I have attached a quick diagram of how it is physically setup at the moment if thats any help. Noted known IP addresses.

Once again...thanks for your help.



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I spoke to LJD and they were not prepared to help me because I did not buy the system directly from them. Infact, it was already at the pub when we got there!! I have traced the company that it was bought from and they have gone bust so I cannot assk them to configure it!LJD advised me that they could not help me and that i should go to my distributer who i bought it from!!!

Sounds about right. Another reason to avaoid LJD.

If the IP of the DVR is on the LAN, would I have to tell my router to forward that address?

Yes. As it is, without forwarding, the router is most probably not forwarding anything on to the LAN at all so your software has nothing to connect to.

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Guest leslcd

Having worked with the LJD systems over the last couple of years because one of the partners liked them i would advise you to get rid as soon as possible of the peice of rubbish that they sell, the standalone dvr that you are describing sounds like the sytems that my partner used to fit (notice the word USED ) they were a pain in the backside to configure over the internet and as experience painfully inflicted upon us they had a tendency to not record although the system lights showed that the system was recording they were actually doing nothing. We have sent one 16 way back to them when a client had and incident that would not come of the hard drive and it took 4 months for them to come back to us with the infamous words sorry but we cannot get the images off the drive and they then had the cheek to say we could only have a replacement system in exchange even after we pointed out that we now have another 3 systems showing the same fault so take care and check the system is doing what it should and good luck with the peice of S****

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