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Hello From Burnley, Lancashire

Guest Neal

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Guest Neal


My names Neal and living in Burnley, Lancashire.

I had my own security business, NP Security Services based in my town which did well for a short time but I lacked the confidence to ring people and sell myself! I had experience in the security side, not the selling side. I decided to give it all up and just focus on promotion in security with an established and decent company.

Anyhow, working for a very good company now and prospects good so see how things go.

I lacked the confidence to ring people and sell myself!

Business cards in phone boxes..... worked for my nan.... :ninja:

Funny she never looked like the picture though.... :hmm:


Guest Neal
Welcome Neal. If it's confidence you need, you've come to the right place.

Most of the guys on here are big headed enough to THINK that they know EVERYTHING!

Except for me.... I KNOW I know EVERYTHING! :lol:


I wish I was that confident. I had help from the Burnley Enterprise Trust and they said the business would do well as the business plan and all that was really good. I had great ideas and knew where I wanted to go.

Just ringing people to get them interested was difficult. I tried a couple of times but ended up having to ring back as they were too busy to talk. Never managed to get back in touch as they were always busy, obviously told the receptionist to ignore any calls from me!

I managed to secure a few contracts through vehicle advertising (Which was well done and only cost

My names Neal and living in Burnley, Lancashire.

Hi Neal

I've spotted your links :whistle:

Business cards in phone boxes..... worked for my nan.... :ninja:

I think we've just reached a new low :P

Guest Neal
Business cards in phone boxes..... worked for my nan.... :ninja:

Funny she never looked like the picture though.... :hmm:


I had business cards and dished them out all over the shop, over 500 high quality business cards.

Most people got in touch for vacancies :ranting:

Just ringing people to get them interested was difficult. I tried a couple of times but ended up having to ring back as they were too busy to talk. Never managed to get back in touch as they were always busy, obviously told the receptionist to ignore any calls from me!


There is never really any point in cold calling companies as that is the standard reply you will get.

What you should have done was just ask the names of the people that you would be dealing with, ie the security manager, loss prevention manager, manager and leave it at that.

Then call back at a later date specifically asking for that person, if they are busy say you will ring back and what is the best time.

Never expect people to ring you back.


Hi Neal

Welcome to the forums.

I sped read the book Feel the fear and do it anyway. What I got from the book was that the fear doesn't go but if you take action you may be surprised what hapens in a good way. I think I would change the title to Feel the fear and do it the right way. This forum has people who have made a success and done just that so tune in ask the questions and don't give up or settle for second best.

Best wishes


Practice in the morning, practice at night. Practice in the evening, until you get it right.

Only make sure you are practising in the right way at the right time for it.

Haven't told you about uncle Pete yet !!! :huh:

worse than dial for granny fanny?


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