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Quick Intro

Phil Sumner

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As you can tell, my name's Phil and I'm a newbie here.

I'm a recent addition to the CCTV world, started working for Dedicated Micros in Manchester about 2 months ago. I come from a Telecoms/IT bacground so this is a huge change. Slowly learning the differences between the 15 different variants of Digital Sprite 2 ;)

Interested in all aspects of security, makes life so much easier when you understand what a customer wants to do rather than having to ask every few seconds - "Sooo, what's one of them then?".





Hi Phil,

Welcome to the forum, 15 Variations of DM eh, that anything like having 15 flavours of ice cream? all look the same but yet all different..

Intruder / CCTV / Access Control Technical Support Personal

Subscriber to the "K.I.S.S" principle, that's Keep It Simple Stupid, are you?

that anything like having 15 flavours of ice cream? all look the same but yet all different..

Close, but it's actually like having 15 varieties of ice-cream with different flavours, all dyed the same colour :) All look the same except for minor differences, but all have completely different tastes.





Welcome Phil, perhaps you can get the Forum reinstated on your own website (DM) it used to be very helpful.

The opinions I express are mine and are usually correct!

(Except when I'm wrong)(which I'm not)


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