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Baxall Telemetry Zr4


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HI Guys,

I have a baxal zr4 telemetry controled cameraand 24 vac pan tilt set up and I want to add a dennard 885 240v IR lamp I see the zr4 has aux lamps connectors but can they switch on and off this lamp or do I need an additional relay?

Just one more question I am thinking of replacing my old time lapse vcr with a american dynamics digimux will this be able to control my pan and tilt?

thank you.


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Hi puma2000uk.

From memory, you will need to fit an extra relay to drive the IR lamp, as the onboard relays are not rated for that current pull.

The original Baxall TX units would drive the ZR4PCB either using a 20mA current loop on a seperate twisted pair cable, or 'down the co-ax' control.

If your proposed digimux is using an 'RS' (232, 485 etc.) data stream, then the short answer is ... I don't think it's going to be instantly compatible.

One totally useless bit of information for you :huh:

The ZT4 (and higher) transmitters had a further eight switchable functions which were not used, and the ZR4 has a connector on it for plugging in an eight channel relay expansion card, which I don't think Baxall ever manufactured as a product.

If you need any more info, I've still got one knocking around somewhere.

cheers for now,


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Hi puma2000uk.

From memory, you will need to fit an extra relay to drive the IR lamp, as the onboard relays are not rated for that current pull.

The original Baxall TX units would drive the ZR4PCB either using a 20mA current loop on a seperate twisted pair cable, or 'down the co-ax' control.

If your proposed digimux is using an 'RS' (232, 485 etc.) data stream, then the short answer is ... I don't think it's going to be instantly compatible.

One totally useless bit of information for you :huh:

The ZT4 (and higher) transmitters had a further eight switchable functions which were not used, and the ZR4 has a connector on it for plugging in an eight channel relay expansion card, which I don't think Baxall ever manufactured as a product.

If you need any more info, I've still got one knocking around somewhere.

cheers for now,



And thank you for your quick reply. ;)

I have had a quick look at the zr4 and it dont seem to have any mains power on the pcb so I'm gussing that them relay connections are +12v dc?

As I'm adding some gjd sensors around my parimiter could I use a gjd expansion relay of the zr4 relay to switch on the dennard ir lamp remotely from cctv control?

Last questiom I think :rolleyes:

I also noted that there are alarm relays on the zr4 could I wire up a couple of gjd elites on to them giving it auto pan to the intrusion zone? :hmm:

Many thanks


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Hi Trevor,

Just in case you needed more info, I decided to pull the handbook yesterday ;)

The card is powered from a 9 - 0 - 9v transformer, connected across pins 2 - 3 - 4 of TB1 (incidentally, in case you weren't aware, you can pull the orange terminal blocks off to do the wiring.).

Whatever voltage you would be using for the P/T head, is connected across Pins 1 (AC Live) and 10 (Neutral) of TB3, so if it was a mains head, then 240v would be present on the "LIVE" terminal, although I've just noticed you're using 24v AC, so that's what is switched out on pins 2 > 9.

The lamp relay coil is driven from Pin 1. (Unregulated +12v output) and Pin 8. (switched ground) of TB 2. You should only use a 12v relay, with ideally minimum 5A rated contacts (10A would be better). I've no experience of using GJD gear so I'm afraid I can't comment on that - no doubt others can advise.

As it happens, there are no alarm relays on board, just the main bank of mains rated relays for switching P/T, Wash, Wipe, Autopan and Camera power functions.

If you wanted to set up an alarm triggered 'preset' arrangement, technically it could be done but it's probably far more trouble than it's worth.

I also remembered I had a photo of the ZR4 on my site at: http://www.doktorjon.co.uk/Technical-contr...s/control5.html

Having just read the writing, I think it's fairly safe to say it's well overdue for an update :rolleyes:

If you need any more info., just post back.



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