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I'm mainly working freelance in the IT industry racking, cabling and commissioning UNIX servers.

Also spend time contracting for a local alarm company when they need extra manpower or someone to make the tea!

Currently branching out into the home automation market installing alarms that give users clean outputs that can be connected to PC

Guest rjbsec
Current panel of choice is the Galaxy, but spend more time with my head in the Programming Manual looking at obscure settings than fitting the thing!



Tea Boy (Advanced)

Welcome Dusty, I think many of us spend a lot of time with our noses in the Galaxy manual - head scratching comes to mind too as I'm a relative newcomer to the Galaxy range!


Hi Dusty,

Welcome yeah there are many panels out there that have some of us scratching our heads, manual in one hand, pressing buttons with the other, turn the page with our nose looking for the option we need to do what our customers want. So the ones you put in are literally "all singing, all dancing" and they can make the tea to boot (or close)

Intruder / CCTV / Access Control Technical Support Personal

Subscriber to the "K.I.S.S" principle, that's Keep It Simple Stupid, are you?


Hello there, and yep nose in manual is a common experience.



Hi dusty, welcome to the forums.

Service Engineer and all round nice bloke :-)

The views above are mine and NOT those of my employer.


Welcome to the forums Dusty.

BTW Guys, Dusty is introducing himself.. Say Hello, no need to discuss the Galaxy here.!


Dave Partridge (Romec Service Engineer)


Oops, was going to ad use the Galaxy forum but forgot.

sorry with strawbs and ice cream


  • 2 weeks later...


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