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Auto Flip

Guest PTM

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Hi, this is my first post!

Could somebody explain what 'auto flip' is supposed to do on a PTZ speed dome.

I have a new dome which when the tilt is at 90 degrees (facing vertically down) it rotates 180 degrees, but then tilts up 90 degrees (facing horizontally). This second part makes no sense to me, as it means objects are very difficult to track as you have to tilt back down to get them in the field of view. If it just rotated 180 degrees so you could then continue to track the object, that would be great.

Am I missing some obvious great feature here, or do I possibly have a damaged dome?

Many thanks for any advice.

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This feature's used if you're following some-one walking directly under the dome.

Say for example, it's installed down a supermarket isle. The target's walking towards the dome, then under it, them away from it.

It means the operator can track that person while keeping the ceiling at the top of the image.

I've no idea why it would tilt +90 deg. Maybe there's a fault on the slip ring assembly.

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So it looks like a damaged dome then!!

It's really annoying how it tilts up 90 degrees after rotating 180 degrees, I've never known a dome do this before.

Thanks for the confirmation.

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