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Texecom Mirage Dt Petwise Pirs

Guest scooper06

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Guest scooper06

Hello everyone

Ive just installed a complete Texecom system comprising of Premier 24 control panel, Texecom speech dialler, Prox reader keypad, 3xreflex PIRs and 2xMirageDT Petwise PIRs.

My first question is (and i'm sure there will be more questions as I go through more in depth programming!) what do the three different PIRs mean on the Petwise detectors?

I must say I am very impressed that my cat can walk around freely without setting them off, but my other question is does anyone know of many reported false alarms with these detectors?

I am an electrician and have fitted quite a few more basic intruder alarms with work so if anyone wants to get technical feel free.

cheers everyone.

Guest scooper06

I do apologise I meant 3 different LEDs

Silly Me!!!! :rolleyes:

Guest scooper06

cheers for that

Does anyone know about reliability of Pet PIRs???


We installed these a while ago and was not overly impressed, has a few f/a with the smallest of cats, And Yes it was installed correctly.

We now use Visonic K9's, and these seem to be very reliable.

Just trying to do my job


pet tolearnt detectors are still not reliable in my opionion. We still put this fact in writing to customers and die to this rarly fit them, go down the perimter route usually. I have tried god know how many in my own house with my whippet and eventually they all have false alarmed (and yes they are fitted correctly)

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pet tolearnt detectors are still not reliable in my opionion. We still put this fact in writing to customers and die to this rarly fit them, go down the perimter route usually. I have tried god know how many in my own house with my whippet and eventually they all have false alarmed (and yes they are fitted correctly)

this a Optex rx40pt?

We now use Visonic K9's, and these seem to be very reliable.

is this the one which is a masked up coral or the logica case stlye one?

Guest scooper06
no i have tried the rx, all the honeywell bar the dt's. Im sure a dt pet tolerant will be ok, but i already have largish sensors (IR200's) and the mrs says that with what i do i should have better sensors (smaller) than everyone else

Hello again James

Your Mrs sounds a bit like mine when it comes to fancy electrical installations being an electrician! Thing is when you do it all day I can't be bothered at the weekends.....

As for the DT Petwise sensors, initially I am impressed with them but I have only been using them for a few days (and nights on part-arm) and i've stood still in the moggy areas with my cat walking round everywhere and she does't even set of any of the LEDs, yet when I move all three light up. Im sure by a long way they are not 'false alarm' proof (as no PIR detector on the market is) but I suppose you can only go by your own experiences.

Your input is much appreciated


Matt :yes:


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