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Small Firms

Guest simmo

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Guest simmo

I would be interested to hear from any sole traders or small businesses covering the southern portion of England. Say from London down to Sussex, Kent down to the Plymouth area.

This is with a possible view to mutual assistance, perhaps offering the smaller guys a chance to offer 24 hour callout, or covering for each other during spells in the sun. Other alternatives may be assisting on a large job or similar.

The other possibilities could be assisting each other through the approval process, however I would appreciate any small companies who are currently approved and who could help offering callout cover (which seems to be a main sticking point for us smaller firms trying to achieve approval status.) and any other similar problems.

Just sounding people out really, hopefully we are all professionals, it just seems that sometimes the dice are fully loaded towards the bigger companies.

If you are not in the areas mentioned pipe up and be counted.

cheers all

Simmo B)

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We used to do a lot of work for a NACOSS firm just up the road from our office, and regulary get asked to do work for other firms as well.

These relationships between companies can work out great. But be carefull who you end up associating with, a few of our customers have been receiving mail from a couple of the firms we once gave a few jobs too, you can guess what for, client poaching is something to be aware off. Im not saying most companies do this but one or two are just offering their services to try and increase their own customer database.

Choose your Associates wisely.


Dave Partridge (Romec Service Engineer)

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Guest simmo

Thanks for the advice Dave, and the post dinefwr,

Yes I'm well aware of the pitfalls Dave, as you say it only takes one person to take advantage and trouble starts.

However it is not difficult to complete subtle checks on various firms, and I think the advantages outweigh the risks. However it obviously depends on the willingness of a few people to stand up and be counted so to speak.

Plus I'm pretty quiet down my way at the moment, and could do with some work!!!

So any firms out there interested in some sort of mutual aid then as Dave says if properly worked out it could bear fruit for all?

Thanks all

Simmo B)

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B) Great idea Simmo,

I'm going to be seeking approval in the future - and would be more than happy to help out in a forum of a similar minded group. If each like minded person was say 30-40miles apart, then poaching would not be quite so much of a problem, and would be close enough to respond out of hours if required to help out colleagues.

Paper work wise, I already have some forms that I'd be prepared to share, they may require some mods, but that's what it's all about.

Being in Plymouth I'd feely lonely though! I'm beyond the end of that blue line on the map!

If anyone else is interested let us know your location too.


Steve K

Steve Kendall

Plymstock Security Systems

CCTV, Intruder Alarms, Security Lighting & Access Control

Covering Plymouth, Plymstock, Plympton, South Devon and South East Cornwall

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest simmo

Any small approved companies are welcome to jump on this post, your experience would certainly help others. Don't be shy!

Simmo B)

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Just a thought to add to the discussion. If I was a small independant installer I wouldn't go down the NACOSS route unless I had vision for expansion. I work for a small family business, 4 engineers 3 office staff (bosses wife, neice and part timer) and the boss himself who does surveys and all the out of hours calls.

NACOSS are so strict its untrue, they are into everything about the company and its not just the installs. They want to see the paperwork, procedures, accounts, and the list goes on. 2 inspections per year (one internal and one external).

Being a small company really makes NACOSS a nightmare. My boss says every year, "if we don't pass we may as well call it a day". He gets really stressed around inspection times.

If you ask me it all seems like too much headache for someone whos self employed just trying to earn enough for an comfortable early retirement.

Don't know about SSAIB however. Anyway, thats just my opinion. What to you lot think

Service Engineer

My opinions may not reflect those of my employer, managers, colleagues, customers, friends, family or pet rabbit.

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Guest simmo

I more or less agree with you mate, I'm not knocking the inspectorates, they have their place. From a personal point of view I would rather stay as a sole trader relying on my reputation than facing the cost of belonging to NACOSS/SSAIB.

What I'm trying to do is to get some of the smaller firms to help each other out. I want to offer my customers a professional service, and one of my sticking points is being available 365 days a year. A total impossibility as a sole trader. Also a big part of becoming approved should I want to comes down to being able to offer 24hour cover.

I raised this post to try and get some of the smaller firms to help each other out, however I realise that this may take some time as the site is still in its infancy but the membership is growing daily.

Obviously this all depends on firms being reasonable, and not poaching.

I've no real want to install monitored systems (I have my reasons) but with all the Euro regs coming in, the issue to become qualified etc may become pressing.

A new forum is being raised soon to promote some of the genuine non-approved companies.

Tell your boss its not worth a heart attack! life is too short.


Simmo B)

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  • 2 years later...

hi simmo,

i was approached by a small fairly local company, to give reciprical cover for holidays which seemed a good idea on the surface. he said his 'call outs' were minimal about 1 per month, i honestly get about 2 per year, but hoped he was just being ' over honest'.

i did my stint 1st, dealt 35 calls over the 2 weeks 4 of which were weekend callouts, buggered up my own calender of works and dealt with kit i had no more spares for i.e 'regalsafe' and his irate customers who were rightly angry at being without their systems, it also raised liability issues should they have been broken into while system out of order.

among the problems is having used the all spare panels and keypads given to me within the 1st 3 days, then i'm was faced with systems out of action and no more spares. i can't swap them out for my prefered in-stock make, and if i make a return trip to replace kit having obtained more from a supplier, it is more lost time and disruption to my own works.

when it was my holiday he informed me he was a full time school teacher and could noty cover my calls on the dates i had agreed. so i'm out of pocket big time and very ruefull

i do not say its a total non-runner, but deep thought has to be given to this type of scheme, ensurring access to ample spares on the holidaying companies account. it would need some form of arbitration/enforecement panel, say if you had 10 companies in your scheme and things went sour or unfair then 3 of the other companies discuss and would make a binding even recompense ruling on all parties.

i'm based in Wickford, Essex covering M25 + 40 miles but mainly North London, so stick me on the interested list and pm me if it goes any further, or you want me to view any ideas for comment.

If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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