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Basically you need to try different options to get the best. This is the advantage of getting the pro in, he can demonstrate different lenses etc and if the IR whites out a camera you get him back to cure it.

If you don't want to go the pro route you could check out http://www.rfconcepts.co.uk/

We deal with them for the budget/domestic stuff & they are tidy people to deal with.

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I was surprised and pleased with his reply to my comment, he understood where I was coming from and didn't get all narky about it - I wasn't unpleasant about it in the first place - just making a point..

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im a big boy now so no need to sulk luckily


thanks, yes it probably would have been better to have left that reply out, however i do feel somewhat agrieved when newbies pick my brains in my fields of expertise so i reckon he was justified to a degree


you have helped me indirectly anyway by bringing a possible problem to my attention so cheers for that.

to all... im not trying to elbow my way into your marketplace, nor do i have any aspirations to take business away from any of you, im merely trying to update my current system to allow realtime recordings without the hassle of swapping longplay cassettes every day or so.

so back on topic does anyone have any knowledge of cameras around the

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I'll back baywatch as i know from his posts he knows his stuff.

I've not used rf concepts myself but i know they have a good reputation and i like the look of those "cc70" cameras and i've used similar spec cameras and been very happy with them.

You may also benifit from going with the vari-focal length lens option as it will give you some scope with your picture (the lower the number the wider the angle) and i'd expect the 4-9mm lens option should cover most views around a normal house premissis.

Remember with the infra-red the bulb unit will need replaced at some point and it may be worth asking them if they supply them and how much. I have seen me have to replace then as soon as 1 year but i have some that are over 3 years and still going strong.

Whatever you do don't go with that "cmos" camera in the ebay link if your hoping to use this system for evidence :no:


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Can I suggest that before you go and splash out your hard earned that you speak to the police and/or a community safety officer. Their attitude towards you having a system might guide a little.

From my experience you find two attitudes, the ones that embrace the idea and can be supportive in what they consider to be a good evindence gathering excercise and the ones that adopt the attitude that you can't do anything about the scum bags anyway.

If you are looking a bringing prosecutions you will need support. I fear that if you do not have support you might just get your car keyed.

Personal experience only, sad but true.

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i doubt i would get support,

im not installing these becuase im being targeted, its more a peace of mind choice. my house is alarmed as is the garage and out buildings, seperate system per building with a dialler also. most of the locals know i have cameras, i just want to upgrade the system to save messing with videos all the time.

whats everyones opinion of these cameras?? http://www.norbain.co.uk/products/ref:0035250/

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You wont be able to buy from norbain unless you are in the trade.

my question wasnt "can i buy from norbain?"

i asked what you pro's thought of that camera, im well aware that they only supply to the trade, i have been in contact with a proffesional and he has offered me 4 of these camera's so i was looking for another proffesional installer to say either yes they are great or noooooooo steer clear of them.

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whats everyones opinion of these cameras?? http://www.norbain.co.uk/products/ref:0035250/

Baxall are a good professional make though i havent used that actual camera.

Thing's to note..

* It's not in their current catalouge which will mean it's been super seeded and the ones on offer to you are either old stock or second hand.

* These will have to use 1/2" lenses and a "shoe box" type housing which isn't what i'd want on my house but that's just my personal oppinion.

* Do they come housed and with lenses as you will find your current lenses won't work with these unless they are 1/2" or bigger.

* You will need to source extra lighting as they wont come with IR.

IMHO i would personally go with one of the better Infra-Red cameras mentioned above.

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