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Dennard 2060 Via Bbvrx100 Contrlloed By Videoswitch Vik2

jon london

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ok try this one out.

Im using two dennard 2060 domes controlled via a videoswitch vi k2 controller, over twisted pair 485.

All working ok. The site now requires redwall detection linked to presets in the dome. ie two redwalls per camera. Using a bbv rx100 interface.

Problem is getting the telemetry to work through the rx100.

does any one know the correct configuration for this. i have tried so many ways and the main problem i have encountered is the manufactures dont talk to each other so this sort of configuration is a very grey area and all you get is it should work that way this way etc etc.

ie what do the 2060 need to be set to. been told from the rx100 it should be up the coax but have tried and no luck.

regards jonnylondon

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but can that tele tx send bbv 'up the coax'

I have never tried but bbv make a start card thing that will convert various protocols, and the rx100 has 485 terminals so that nust support some protocol. Its either that or a new telemetry tx, what dvr is it on

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It might be due to the fact that the telemetry is only going in one direction. Dome control commands are issued by the controller (in this case the Videoswitch gear) to the dome. For the Videoswitch gear to respond to an alarm generated by the detectors, the message has to get from the dome to the controller... which can't happen, especially if you're using up the coax.

Their are two ways in which you can get the dome to respond. The first is to programme the dome itself and associate an alarm input on the BBV receiver to the domes preset position.

If memory serves, the RX100 communicates with the dome using 20mA current loop data. To programme the dome and associate the alarm you may need to use a BBV keyboard to communicate with the dome directly using 20mA telemetry. Once programmed, you should be able to remove the BBV keyboard and leave the dome to run autominously.

Not an ideal solution but a BBV keyboard's a good piece of van kit if you're frequently installing Dennard (and many other) manufactured domes.

The second solution would be to wire the detector back to the controller. The controller then responds to the alrm by sending the dome to a preset position.

Alternativly, it might be woth checking to see if the Videoswitch gear can access the dome's menu system. It would only involve adding a line of code and associating it to an obscure preset key on the Videoswitch gear.

In fairness to Dennard, the control protocols and command set are freely available to any manufacturer who wants to impliment this level of setup.

Hope this helps

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For the dome to work with the rx 100 it needs to be set to address 1

and the rx 100 is controlled via BBV "up the coax" telemetry

I don't understand the need for the RX100?

The Dennard Domes will talk directly to the Videoswitch Keyboard via RS485. As you have a Videoswitch keyboard, I am guesing you have a videoswitch DVR.

If the Redwalls are wired as alarm inputs into the DVR, this will control the dome presets, change the record rate, set an event for easy replay and also on some models send an e-mail. On most Videoswitch models you have 16 alarms.

I believe (don't quote me) but you only get around 16 presets when using a Dennard with Videoswich controller which should be ample.



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All working ok. The site now requires redwall detection linked to presets in the dome. ie two redwalls per camera. Using a bbv rx100 interface.

Problem is getting the telemetry to work through the rx100.

doesn't this dome have alarm inputs in the head so that all you then have todo is set up preset posotions in dome menu. Also if usung rx100 then bbv keyboard controller should be used :)

ve hav ze nolij or if not we ask!!!!

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The way I see it is....... you have to use the twisted pair input on the rx100 and the rs485 output to the dome, set the protocol on the k2 to bbv 20ma TP.

I assume you are using the rx100's to save cabling the redwalls back to the controls.

The opinions I express are mine and are usually correct!

(Except when I'm wrong)(which I'm not)

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All working ok. The site now requires redwall detection linked to presets in the dome. ie two redwalls per camera. Using a bbv rx100 interface.

Problem is getting the telemetry to work through the rx100.

doesn't this dome have alarm inputs in the head so that all you then have todo is set up preset posotions in dome menu. Also if usung rx100 then bbv keyboard controller should be used :)

and you don't want to use a BBV keyboard when you have a nice Videoswitch one.

Think you are right, some models do have alarm inputs. Better to go to mux though in my humble opinion.


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i agree with dave, if the matrix has the inputs let the 'brains' tell the dome where to go, then in future if you need to timer disable etc it will be a lot easier. But it all depends on the run from the head to control. If its 200m and you dont have any spare cores then id be looking at changing the matrix and adding the rx100's.

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i agree with dave, if the matrix has the inputs let the 'brains' tell the dome where to go, then in future if you need to timer disable etc it will be a lot easier. But it all depends on the run from the head to control. If its 200m and you dont have any spare cores then id be looking at changing the matrix and adding the rx100's.

James talks a lot of sence.

Another consideration is you will log an event. When the client searches through hours of footage, it will make it easier for them. Search through every time the Redwall goes into alarm.


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