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Microsoft Vista


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I need help trying to understand our friends from Brussels (don't we all, 5 digit codes :ranting: )

I really don't understand the logic in the actions of Brussels with regard to Microsoft.

Microsoft has been told they can't sell Vista in the EU which has Microsoft Media Player bundled with it as they claim they are affecting Realplayer. They have also been told that the Internet Explorer can't have Windows Live Search as default. Lastly they have been ordered to disclose their code so other manufacturers can provide software for it. There is some other row concerning the ability to print files in pdf format which will upset Adobe.

Don't quote me on this but I think they were ordered the same with XP and failed to do it and have been find hundreds of millions of pounds, why????

Microsoft are a very successful software company and have dominated the market by providing the best operating system. I don't understand why they should be penalised for being the best? They are not forcing us to buy their software but the fact is, no other software house has even come close for a standard PC Operating Sytsem. Sun have come the closest but failed. I know you have linux but this is mainly for severs.

Media Player will remain downloadable so if EU citizens want it they will download it and Realplayer will be back to sqaure one. Surely it's the case of Realyplayer to develop some software that consumers will want? As for the Internet Search, if you wanted Windows Live you could set this at a click of a switch. Same goes currently if you don't want Microsoft Search, change it, it is easy.

The bottom line is the EU commission hasn't given Microsoft 'permission' to distribute Vista in the EU. If I was Microsoft I would stick two fingers up to the EU and say they are not licencing Vista for use in the EU. Imagine if every PC in the EU was not allowed to use a Microsoft operating system??? Sun would have to get their act together pretty quick.

What is your view guys?



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It will (Vista) still be a beta version, microsoft do it al the time. Release something and have JP sort out the bugs and issues. Thats probably the reasons......and yes other manu`s need to get their acts together........releasing "code" is surely an attempt to crack microsoft copyrights........!

As much as old bill G is a git and a control freak his development of the access to the net, and compatable programmes is to be applauded.


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It will (Vista) still be a beta version, microsoft do it al the time. Release something and have JP sort out the bugs and issues. Thats probably the reasons......and yes other manu`s need to get their acts together........releasing "code" is surely an attempt to crack microsoft copyrights........!

As much as old bill G is a git and a control freak his development of the access to the net, and compatable programmes is to be applauded.


even xp still has bugs that jp has to wade through.

vista looks and sounds good, but they should take a leaf from sony and iron out the bugs like they are doing with ps3

Eucam Security Systems

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Because MS has such a monopoly is why there are so few others ... breaking into the field now is next to impossible because most of the worlds PC's are geared around their products.

EU are doubtless trying to protect the interests of its companies and that must be applauded to some degree.

I disagree if a software house came up with a decent product then people would buy it, especially the anti microsoft people.

Firefox Web Browser has been reasonably succesfull.

The world's PC's are geared towards Microsoft as they have no competition. Who's fault is that? Not Microsoft's IMO. It is the fault of the other Software companies for not developing a decent enough product. Sun were marketing their Java Desktop System like mad and they got good publicity. People were waiting for it with baited breath, and the screen shots looked really good. So where is it? Was available for Donload in the US and now it has disapeared!


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Personally i love Firefox and Thunderbird, wont ever use IE or OE ever again.


There you go!

An if Old Hand bought Vista, he would download Firefox and click yes to make it his default Browser, how easy is that!

My web stats tell me what browsers visitors to my site use and there is a lot of people who use browsers other than IE. Fair Play to Mozilla IMO.


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Just downloaded the new MS internet expoler 7 seems pretty good with added anti phishing.


SSAIB Approved.

If it ain't broke, you ain't trying hard enough

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There you go!

An if Old Hand bought Vista, he would download Firefox and click yes to make it his default Browser, how easy is that!

My web stats tell me what browsers visitors to my site use and there is a lot of people who use browsers other than IE. Fair Play to Mozilla IMO.


Our IT manager (fiercely anti-MS btw), was telling me today, that one of the new patches on XP on a system he has just built, continually resets his home page to www.msn.com.

He was "Not Amused".

I think a lot of the anti-MS sentiment stems from the fact that the OS's are often designed for the lowest common demominator and the nannying programming can be intrusive...

"click this balloon to fix this problem" ...anyone?

"Gah, I turned the damn firewall off because I could not connect to anything and then I installed my own 3rd party solution that allowed me control." is the normal response.

Most of the ideas in Vista have already been done and are available in the form of well programmed open source free software and are simply lifted as ideas by MS.

There is also a resentment to an OS that has little backwards compatibility and will force further hardware upgrades as well as software released that is ONLY compatible with Vista (so in order to run x y & z I have to upgrade my PC AND by Vista).

I am not sure that the backlash is against burgeoning success, more against lack of choice for the consumer and the lack of a level playing field in a given market place.

Vista......innovative or old hat?

All of that said, I am more than happy to use MS products as you rightly say, there is a high degree of chance that they will actually work more often than not, and I will understand them fairly quickly. Guess I am with the rest of the known world on that one.

Matt Gilmartin, Sales Director

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Our IT manager (fiercely anti-MS btw), was telling me today, that one of the new patches on XP on a system he has just built, continually resets his home page to www.msn.com.

He was "Not Amused".

I think a lot of the anti-MS sentiment stems from the fact that the OS's are often designed for the lowest common demominator and the nannying programming can be intrusive...

"click this balloon to fix this problem" ...anyone?

"Gah, I turned the damn firewall off because I could not connect to anything and then I installed my own 3rd party solution that allowed me control." is the normal response.

Most of the ideas in Vista have already been done and are available in the form of well programmed open source free software and are simply lifted as ideas by MS.

There is also a resentment to an OS that has little backwards compatibility and will force further hardware upgrades as well as software released that is ONLY compatible with Vista (so in order to run x y & z I have to upgrade my PC AND by Vista).

I am not sure that the backlash is against burgeoning success, more against lack of choice for the consumer and the lack of a level playing field in a given market place.

Vista......innovative or old hat?

All of that said, I am more than happy to use MS products as you rightly say, there is a high degree of chance that they will actually work more often than not, and I will understand them fairly quickly. Guess I am with the rest of the known world on that one.

I agree with most of your post.

At the end of the day Microsoft are no different to any 'manufacturer' they always protect there own interests and I don't blame them. They have invested the money into the software so why shouldn't they expect a return? Matt how would you like it if the EU said to you, your security smoke machines have a monopoly. You need to change your machines so Smokecloak fluid works and also fluid from a disco smoke machine works???

Microsoft are not forcing people to upgrade to Vista, after all they have only just abadoned ME. With any software development, it is obvious that hardware manufacturers also respond with enhanced hardware that is only compatible with the enhanced software.

The bundled software is provided as part of a product. They have always allowed their operating systems to run with 3rd party software. My XP recognises my AVG anti virus for example. Like you say their Firewall is rubbish, I use Zonealarm, no problem.

The EU's point is ?


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What companies?

It's own Software Houses? They are beyond protection?

It's own companies like you and me? We will be better off with Microsoft than without.


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