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Software producing companies within the EU who are "threatened" by Microsoft's success.

Then they should get off there butts and produce a product that will be successfull, no good running crying to mummy.

Perhaps they should produce their own operating systems?


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Then they should get off there butts and produce a product that will be successfull, no good running crying to mummy.

Perhaps they should produce their own operating systems?


lifes hard, but your right.


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hi all,

very interesting views expressed, i do feel MS suffer from the same problems as the M25, ie necassary but slated for faults caaused by success and then blamed for over use, but lets face it without them what else is there?

i do think MS were very very astute from early days by not making their software too hard to pirate, but bleeted on about it as a big cost to keep up the facade.

why do i feel that? well that way MS did get good revenue and also insurred circulation of it's products, in many area's where people just would not buy legally anyway, so erote it off as advertising cost's.

was it just a brilliant stratagy? if had they made it extremely hard to copy their products, then market penetration would have been severely handicapped imo. i think of it this way, how many private individual's on a mortal's wages would be so keen to buy their products at full price, just to 'try it out'? but get hold of a 'snide' copy and then like a product, a good chance of them buying an original or later version even a sister product - as i have done in the past, played arround with it and then bought it properly when the next (or bug fixed) version came out.

there is a problem with such all powerful domination in such critical area's, it was suggested when the mellinium bug was being worried about (what a non-event that was :rolleyes: ) that Russain air traffic control (and others) were running pirated versions of windows software on very old pc's, and also imbedded into some planes control systems - and real multiple crash's were feared as a possibility - blue screens in FOG not a good thing to happen.

Gates and MS, now so awesomly powerful in both finacial and business critacle area's, could liturally do so much damage if they went 'rogue' or suddenly withdrew from the market place. :cold2:

so sleep well tonight all of you as it won't ever happen will it? :fear:



If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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You know what - I think that the key factor here is age. I got my first 286 PC with MSDOS version 5 god knows how many years ago. I battled through Windows 3.1, 95, 98, ME, back to 98, 2000, XP, and back to 2000.

Even though I'm a software developer and technically able to cope with upgrades, I've learned to stick with what I am comfortable with. I'd love to learn Linux or anything else that anyone comes up with, but I just don't have the motivation to take the risk. I will write off the money I spent on XP Pro and wait a year or so to hear some feedback on Vista.

On the other hand, my son is 17 and must format his hard drive and change operating systems at least every two months. It just doesn't seem to be a problem for him. If a Linux CD fell into his hands, then I'm sure it would get installed sooner or later. If it managed to run his games and keep out spyware and other scum programs, then I'm sure it would stay on there permanently.

One day a software company will work out that they will never be able to get anyone over the age of 30ish to change to a new operating system and aim at the kids. Eventually, it could end the Microsoft monopoly.

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MS abused their position like any compnay in its position would, but that doesnt make it right. They destroyed Netscape and many others. Even tried to take on IBM. BUt google is giving them a run at the moment, but they will be the next MS and everyone will hate them if they become too powerful

Bit like Tesco destroying all the local corner shops, but people are not really that bothered. Tesco are a massive dommination is the Supermarket sector, I wonder if the EU will shortly force them to sell Sainsburys products, I think not.



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if tesco does something the eu doesnt lik ethen yes. Strange thing is apple are doing what ms are not allowed to do, and no-one yet bothers about that. I do feel google are next though

I think you are right mate.

When the Internet first got popular everything was Yahoo, but now it's google. It's a real buzz word in our company, if anybody asks something we don't know we just say "go and google it".


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You know what - I think that the key factor here is age. I got my first 286 PC with MSDOS version 5 god knows how many years ago. I battled through Windows 3.1, 95, 98, ME, back to 98, 2000, XP, and back to 2000.

crikey, my first pc was an amstrad 386 lugable, wasit really that far back? i used MS Dos 3.3 i think?



If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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crikey, my first pc was an amstrad 386 lugable, wasit really that far back? i used MS Dos 3.3 i think?



My first PC was a ZX81, when I left school in 1986. It had 1K of memory!! :yes:



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