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Adsl Wireless Router


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with the laptop being a wireless connection and desktop being hard wired do you setup a wireless on one and home network on other or both the same or am i barking up wrong tree?


It doesn't matter if the connection is wired or wireless for file sharing. Run the network setup wizard on both computers and share the relevant folders.

Personally, I would only share a folder on the laptop so that files could be copied to/from it when logged into the main PC.

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managed to get desktop and laptop on internet now need to sort out file sharing etc any clues?

Use the Wizards, they do all you need. :)

Delving into anything else is pointless for a novice (initially). :ninja:

go on then old hand what you gonna do, the only thing you might be able to attack is his dns servers!! All that is local netowrk ip's nothing external!!

Quite right.

Haven't you worked out whose they are yet old hand? Must be even older than me then! :banned:

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you need to setup a workgroup on both machines then share files etc, I assume they are bot xp home? Or get yourself a nice linux server and run a domain so much easier, but peer to peer is easy, there are wizards in xp under networking

hi james,

i run xp on my laptop and desktop, both go onto the internet no probs even via wireless access point, i can see each machine both ways from each other, and have shared files on both, yet when i try to access and pull over a file i get 'you do not have the correct permission contact your network administrator'. this also happens to the shared printers but no problem with wireless print server.

both machines are single user autologin (not multi users) i've used the network wizards, just can't sus this out and end up 'slipper' networking with my usb dongle.

i tried installing netbeu as this resolved issues on W98 regarding W95 machines on my wifes old firms network

i have Norton Interenet Security on one and AVG Free on my laptop, i suspect this may be the problem, but my knowledge and understading of configuration at this point is 'challenged' to say the least, for some reason i just glaze over at ip addresses, sub net masks and so on (anyway, i thought they were not needed since the cold war :cold2: ) .



If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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if norton is firewalling your local lan then this may be your issue, btw your not using xp pro or win2k on either with a domain setup are you?

NetBuie is an old windows networking protocol left of from windows for workgroups i beleive and wont really help with ip. I would bet its the norton fire wall, if you disable it for a bit what happens. Also check that you xp firewall isnt fully turned on as you might need exceptions if youve added some 'strange' things

Agreed. Don't bother with Netbeui.

If your access point has a firewall in it (which it should) then turn off all firewalling on both computers and try again with the wizards.

It helps if both computers are in the same workgroup (typically MSHOME) but it isn't mandatory.

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dont turn your firewall off on your wan port though!!! i doubt there is a fire wall on the wireless side and i assume you have a wireless router not a router and an access point? Turn off the firewall or allow certain ip's to be trusted on norton. If you have xp pro/rdp or VNC and can setup the port forwarding ill do it for you

hi james,

i have a combined dsl router/modem and an access point, the desktop is direct off the router, laptop has a usrobitics pmcia card (recommend this card to anyone as it go's like stink - 125mps).

i will install vnc and beg your kind offer of help, as to be honest network config stuff just leaves me so confussed, i end up wishing i was doing the washing up after feeding of the 5000 :ninja: so possibly something to do with my well known faulty mental processes for remmebering first names correctly - Dave:rolleyes:

off out to work so will pm you when by machine over next few days when time allows



If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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Agreed. Don't bother with Netbeui.

If your access point has a firewall in it (which it should) then turn off all firewalling on both computers and try again with the wizards.

It helps if both computers are in the same workgroup (typically MSHOME) but it isn't mandatory.

hi Andy,

thanks for he help, they are both in MSHOME and even if i have both machines onto the router they will 'see' each other but when i exsplore they will not talk (a bit like NSI and the SSAIB perhaps boom! boom!:P )

james has kindly offered remote help using vnc, i bet it will be so simple it will be his chance to make me look like a total dipstick ;) so i hope he will be gentle :unsure:



If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Guys.

I to have just set up a wireless adsl modem, works ok, but now i can't enter any secure sites (Bank accounts ect). I think it's a seurity feature, but i have know idea what setting is what or what they do.

Thanks for any help in advance.


Chubb Service Engineer

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Hi Guys.

I to have just set up a wireless adsl modem, works ok, but now i can't enter any secure sites (Bank accounts ect). I think it's a seurity feature, but i have know idea what setting is what or what they do.

Thanks for any help in advance.


Unlikely to be the modem, but you never know.

What make/model is it, how is it connected (USB, LAN, wireless) and what setup software did you run on the PC?

Oh, and what ISP is it?

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I have a Belkin 2.4ghz ADSL modem with wireless router.

Connected by LAN no software to install, just set up by conneting to IP address.

Have tried with security on and off, but still know joy.

Chubb Service Engineer

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