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Perimeter System

Guest scooper06

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Guest scooper06

Can somebody please explain what a perimeter intruder alarm system is and how it is installed an a house

Thankyou. :)


Hello Scooper 06,

A perimeter system is where your windows and doors are covered by contacts or shock sensors i.e every entry point in your house is protected or the most vulnerable areas.

This enables you to walk about in every room while the alarm system is set or if you have pets, they can walk around without triggering the system.

In my house i have installed perimeter protection say 5 shocck sensors on windows downstairs and front/back door contacts while i have 4 PIR's installed. When the dog (not the wife) is in i use the perimeter protection and when we are all out i arm the full system shocks PIR's etc.

You do get pet immune sensors but i do not use them.


Guest Alarm Guard

That is detection to the doors and windows. The detection can vary, but IMO the best is vibration or inertia sensors to all accessible window frames and external door frames, and contacts to all external doors.

A system like this is good for people with pets or the elderly in high risk areas where they need to be able to move around the house freely while still being protected.

... and Scottish Engineer types much faster than me... :realmad:

Can somebody please explain what a perimeter intruder alarm system is and how it is installed an a house

Thankyou. :)

Hi scooper06,

your question can cover several types of detection, some call 'perimeter protection' as externally mounted dual IR beams across windows, another type is external motion sensors or Red Wall detection. as Scottiish Enginner has said all door and windows which is an expensive way of protecting your home conciering against the cost of fitting internal PIR's.

if you post more info as to your quiery we can help you better.



If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!


As Arfur Mo has said it is an expensive way with the shocks and contacts as they are fitted to every window and door. This does take a lot o time hiding and running cables.

I have all my PIR's wired into the control panel with all the shocks and door contacts wirefree (Gardtec Wireless).

Only changed to this a few weeks ago as the shocks are new and i have not had a problem at all. Even the window cleaners have not set the system off.


or geoquip guardwire

that will look nice clipped around your lounge

i think someone will be off to screwfix for 4000 rawlplugs and screws :hmm:


There are basically 2 ways to protect a property;

1.Trap protection(pirs etc)which detect once a person is inside a property.

2.Perimeter protection which detects as the person is breaking in and still outside.

Trap is the main method of detecting a break in coz it covers wide areas and is cheaper per square foot of protection.

Perimeter is often used when the customer or insurers wish to detect before the intruder is inside the property and or as the first trip before an internal detector for police response.

It is also used when a customer wishes to detect an entry when the property is occupied coz window contacts /vibration sensors and external doors can be set on an independant set option for instance when the family is in one room watching tv it gives advance warning that an intrusion is being attempted.

When you read in the news of stars houses being robbed etc some have been in the property and because it is large they do not even realise they are being robbed,but with perimeter guarding they can set perimeter protection and still move freely around the house.

Hope this has helped?



Shocks can be a nightmare if not set up and calibrated correctly, also hard to explain to Joe P, that it probably has been knocked for whatever reason.

Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.


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