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Domestic CCTV, with Camera Pointing to Road

Guest BarnumDog

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Guest BarnumDog

I hope sombody can help me with this one

I want to install an external camera pointing at my car parked on the oposite side of the road to try and catch/deter the toerags vandalising my car

What are the regulations regarding this, as I will be obviously recording images of the public and the houses across the street

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  • 7 months later...

Just to bring this to the top of the board.

This may have been discussed here before.

In a recent court case where someone took a company to court for infringement of the rights by recording them using cctv.

It was decided that if the person was recorded with a static (fixed) camera and they wandered into the view of that camera then this was acceptable, however, if the cameras was not static (PTZ) then the person could be followed thus becoming unacceptable.

What i heard anyway, and only a brief outline of the case.



secure4.me.uk digital cctv

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