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agggggggggggggg its a RECIEVER not a dialer

Read above pls :P

hi old hand,

i don't know the kit your working on, but assumed you were accessing remote into by pc modem - from your own 1st post -:

Now we have fitted the U S Robotics V.92 modems to the systems other data bus line. Programmed lap top to dial up site telephone number, and the modem wont snatch the line. Spoken to suppliers and they say baud rates need to be matched......I say it has to pick up the line before it can establish protocols.

soz if i got you wrong, just trying to help :cold2:



If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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hi old hand,

i don't know the kit your working on, but assumed you were accessing remote into by pc modem - from your own 1st post -:

Now we have fitted the U S Robotics V.92 modems to the systems other data bus line. Programmed lap top to dial up site telephone number, and the modem wont snatch the line. Spoken to suppliers and they say baud rates need to be matched......I say it has to pick up the line before it can establish protocols.

soz if i got you wrong, just trying to help :cold2:



Using my laptop to dial into the site modem so i can interrogate it as the customer would to add remove users.

Site modem isnt connected to a pc,its attached to a data line from the last reader in series with the others.

Wasnt havin a pop arfur, jsut cheesed off i cannot get back there at the moment to suss out the problem. As posted before i need more days in this month!


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Using my laptop to dial into the site modem so i can interrogate it as the customer would to add remove users.

Site modem isnt connected to a pc,its attached to a data line from the last reader in series with the others.

Wasnt havin a pop arfur, jsut cheesed off i cannot get back there at the moment to suss out the problem. As posted before i need more days in this month!


no probs OH,

obviously i thought you meant the modem inside or connected to the lappy which was not ceasing the line, i expect it is a protocal on the receiving modems port, not in auto answer mode pehaps.

i wonder if could be something really silly like data lines reversed?

about the tech supports idea, i think they might be correct, from what little i know about modems, an incoming call will 'ring' the line so the receiving modem will answer, having done so it will give out answer squeal, the sending modem will then 'ask' baud rate and they auto jockey the highest rate before comms take place.

like the old dial up ISP modems screeching, going up the octaves then dropping again, so you might have the sending modem lowest rate locked to high for the receiving modem.

i shut up now :whistle:



If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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  • 11 months later...

Did anyone ever get to the bottom of this problem?

I'm trying to install a 28a for remote access and have been struggling for a few days.

I can talk to the 28A from my laptop using the serial port.

But when I try to use it over a phone line by a modem it does not work.

I dial the modem, it answers and connects the line, then it displays on my screen the line asking for a password.

I type the password, and if I monitor the data coming from the 28A, I see it sends out the first menu.

I can see it being sent to the modem, but if does not communicate it across to my computer at the other end of the phone line !!!

I can type the commands blind and I can get it to switch the relay to open the door, but nothing appears on my screen.

Has anyone cracked why the modem sends data in one direction but not the other ???

Thanks in anticipation


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Did anyone ever get to the bottom of this problem?

I'm trying to install a 28a for remote access and have been struggling for a few days.

I can talk to the 28A from my laptop using the serial port.

But when I try to use it over a phone line by a modem it does not work.

I dial the modem, it answers and connects the line, then it displays on my screen the line asking for a password.

I type the password, and if I monitor the data coming from the 28A, I see it sends out the first menu.

I can see it being sent to the modem, but if does not communicate it across to my computer at the other end of the phone line !!!

I can type the commands blind and I can get it to switch the relay to open the door, but nothing appears on my screen.

Has anyone cracked why the modem sends data in one direction but not the other ???

Thanks in anticipation


hi Derek,

not cracked as such, but i use gardtec alarm kit which is restricted to a couple of modems (even though the udl software list's abut 30 odd :realmad: ).

i suggest speak the the manufacturers, as i suspect the kit don't like sudo software modems working on standard protocols



If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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