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Need Some Help Choosing Cameras

Guest CS223

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Look folks, not trying to stir up a Hornets nest. :unsure: I'm just looking for opinions on exterior cameras for a DIY sytem. I cannot dispute that branded items have support. Likewise I've seen branded products that were produced in the same plant as generic labled products and the cost difference was substancial. I'm looking for the best quality at the best value and some discussion on resolution & such.

If I find a used branded camera, am I better off buying it rather than a new chinese made camera? Do the CCD cameras have issues with burned in images like the old vidicon cameras? I've read one argument where the technology advances every couple of years so having a 10 year warranty is a moot point because a replacement camera will be superior. Likewise, if a cheap camera lasts a year or two, replacing it with new will be an improvement upgrade at that time.

I don't want to throw away money on junk, if a $150 import knock off is all but useless, I don't want to bother. If quality used branded cams will give the same results, I can live without a warranty and take the failure risk. Just looking for some guidance.

BTW, $150 USD equals $300 GBP if that matters. TIA

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Guest Director of COP Security

I have to say that reading this topic I wonder what you guys class as "branded".

Are we talking Sony. Panasonic etc or people like Videcon who have "Consept" Norbain who have "Vista" or people like us who sell there kit with our name on it.

The use of the phrase "branded" can be very misleading as strictly speaking any name on the side of the kit is a brand name.


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to be fair chris i said 'proper' cameras, and im sure that is pretty esay to understand. SOmeone else mentioned branded, but i do feel as an overall statement a branded part will out perform an unbranded part.

As with everything an merc seems to be a better product overall than a citroen (for example)

but a citroen is still a perfectly caperble car just like the cheaper branded equipment fits certain purposes. But what about unbranded cars? or unbranded anything who buys it.

Unfortunatly for our industry too many people pass this unbranded cr@p off as proper equipment ie the 16 way

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Guest Director of COP Security
to be fair chris i said 'proper' cameras, and im sure that is pretty esay to understand. SOmeone else mentioned branded, but i do feel as an overall statement a branded part will out perform an unbranded part.

I understand but I get confused by the defanition of the term "Branded"

As with everything an merc seems to be a better product overall than a citroen (for example)

but a citroen is still a perfectly caperble car just like the cheaper branded equipment fits certain purposes. But what about unbranded cars? or unbranded anything who buys it.

That may be true at face value but if you have a low buget you can get a very good high specification citroen or an entry level A class Merc and A class Merca ain't that good.

Unfortunatly for our industry too many people pass this unbranded cr@p off as proper equipment ie the 16 way

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lol not wanting to offend but niether is a very good high spec citroen. I bet the merc will run for a damn site longer than the citroen A B or C class.

I understand its all about budgets and what you can afford but people dont apply the same logic to the pieces of equipement they buy to protect their branded cars, branded pc's, branded watches etc etc

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