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Bleeps That Drive You Crazy !

Guest Milan

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Electronic bleeps are notoriously difficult to track. It can be almost impossible to know where they are coming from...... we have had conversations like this dozens of times with our customers, and it always turns out to be something other than the alarm.... honest.

You are a star !!!!!!! :rolleyes: I took your advice and emptied everything around the area and guess what I found, yep an old smoke detector. I bow to your superior knowledge.....ALARM GUARD Many Thanks.

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Can anyone please advise how I can stop my alarm programme box from high-pitch bleeping about once every 30 secs x 24/7 ? I have a concept 6 alarm and about 3 weeks ago it started to bleep, similar to a fire alarm when the battery is running out.

I have tried changing the battery...but to no avail.

Milan. :unsure:

Just wanted to say thanks for all the suggestions, nice to finally get rid of that beep, even though it was nothing to do with the alarm ........

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Just wanted to say thanks for all the suggestions, nice to finally get rid of that beep, even though it was nothing to do with the alarm ........

Nice one alarm guard---Glad you stayed with us mate !!!---tick/VG--Paul.

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Thanks Chris,

All I did was take the old battery out, replace with a new one, closed the box and hoped that would work. There are two fuses one that says battery underneath it, that seems ok. There is a slot next to the transformer that charges the battery, has that got a fuse that may of blown that is causing the bleep ?

i don't how this panel, but some do need to be 'reset' after a tamper fauly (ie when you openned the lid) or after an alarm condition (engineer reset).

but honstly i'd replace your smoke batteries anyway, if you don't it could be far more expensive to recover from a fire than 'wast' some quids on those batterie's.



If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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