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New Film On Video Surveillance In Britain!


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I like the fact that someone is watching me, I do nothing illegal, or immoral, so I have nothing to worry about.

CCTV is a good thing, and some people forget that it can actually prove who didnt do it as well as convict who did.

More cameras the better !

I agree, i'd also like to see more camera's put up.

I can't believe those members of the public thought they were lights.?

In this day and age, when almost everyone has a camera phone capable of recording live footage, or a video recorder with good zoom capabillities, I feel cctv posses a much lesser risk to my privacy.


Dave Partridge (Romec Service Engineer)

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Hey guys, :ninja:

I didn't know in which forum to post this, but I just ran over the website of a new documentary on CCTV in Britain. They got a trailer online:

Every step you take I fixed the link as it wasnt working

What do you think? I don't think the topic will be handled very even-handed, but I'll give it a shot when it comes out.


I agree with this type of cameras... funny is that most of the cameras are usualy looking at the traffic :ranting: , especialy to bus lanes and yellow painted boxes on cross roads :realmad: . Yes, unfortunately the council prefers to raise money by fining drivers then actually serve the public by improving the security on the streets.


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  • 4 weeks later...
Hi Herb and welcome to the forum

I like the fact that someone is watching me, I do nothing illegal, or immoral, so I have nothing to worry about.

CCTV is a good thing, and some people forget that it can actually prove who didnt do it as well as convict who did.

More cameras the better !


i agree with this, but we need to be toughter with the criminals that are caught,

Kevin Scott. Owner of KK Alarms...... Installation .. Service .. Repair ...... Thoughout.. Northumberland and North Tyneside ..... Tel:01670 361948 (call diverted after 15 seconds) or 07947444114

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