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Eu Health & Safety Regulations Really Are A Killer!

Guest rjbsec

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It could be absolutely true Roger, but I tend to disbelieve anything in the papers
Here here.
Mobile phone\radio, witness\little old lady who doesn't know what the difference is.

I don't read the papers\watch the news as it's all made up\over dramatised\misquoted\twisted\distorted.

Here here here.

Tut tut Roger, I expected more of you.

Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.

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hi all,

firstly i think the staff of the ambulance service are second to none as human beings and profesionals, i could not beleive for one moment any member would stay sat down eating a bag of chisps or eggy sandwich, and dicussing the Alan Pardew/Curbishly issue knowing someone was dying or in need of urgent help - no way.

i'm sure the story was most likely sensationalised to sell more copies, it's the well known way of the tabloid press to exagerate, i remmember the mirror editor who lost his job as he got caught out doing so, by claiming photo's of brit solders abusing iraq civillians were real?

if we play 'devils advocate' for a moment, possibly a controller misunderstood the rule's on meal breaks, there are peeked hat numb nutts officials in every job. it might be no one actually scheduled 2 crews to be on a meal break at the same time. could have been due to a busy shift delaying one crews break, then a quiet spell happens and as we would do, they take their break while they got a chance, unfortunately this happened at the same time if any accuracy in the story.

many a story in the paper's is blown out of all perportion, so i always treat their stories with caution - they are not in any 'inspectorate' for honesty and actual truth content', these days i don't even buy them, i prefer to read the teletext.



If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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