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Help Needed !


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hi there. just joined & new to all this.

i have just purchased some cctv equipment with the hope of using it as home security, but am very much lost as to what i need to do to get it all working as i want to. i have got 1 x VISTA VPC 9430 CAMERA WITH 6-60mm F1.4 LENS. 1 X VISTA NCL 5130DSP CAMERA WITH SAME LENS AS FIRST. 3 X VISTA NCL 1300 CAMERAS WITH VISTA TV ZOOM LENSES, 11-110mm F1:1.8. 4 X COMPLETE HOUSINGS WITH VISTA NCL 1300 CAMERAS 16mm F1.3/ WIPER/ TRANSFORMER/ MOLYNX TRX228 TELEMETRY BOARD INSIDE. 1 X MOLYNX SERIES 400 TTX416-2 (presume telemetry transmitter), 1 x NORBAIN - NORPLEX 1/+ (presume multiplexor) & 1 x MOLYNX MUSTANG AC12 PAN & TILT MOTOR.

right. what i want to do is use 3 of these on my house. i want one to cover the back which can be static but still possibly need to use wiper/zoom/focus facility. 2 on the front with same conrols as back, the other one i want to use with the ptz with all functions, wiper/wash/ptz/light/zoom/focus. i want to run all this from my pc & also be able to log in from elsewhere & control it. i was talking to someone i know to talk to in the pub last night, as he installs thi sort of thing. he was babbling on about a tour & saying i would not be able to use any of it. mind you, he had had quite a few to drink.

can anyone help & throw some light on this ? as to what i can do or what i need to get this working ? would be much appreciated.



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firstly how will you be controlling the ptz and where will it be looking ie fields, driveway etc??

regs cjt

im hoping i can control the ptz from the pc using mouse, if poss. the back one will be overlooking the garden & the front ones, one the front garden & the other which will be on the pan/tilt motor for the car park so i can watch the cars.

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have spoken to the person i got the equipment off. hes told me that it was used manually & never programmed with a tour. not sure if this helps at all but i could do with some info on what to do as soon as possible. need to get something set up within the next few week, hopefully. ive been looking at the DVR PCi cards on ebay that say they control ptz but ive not got a clue as to whether these will be appropriate to run what ive got, if at all.

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are we right in thinking you have bought this stuff assuming you can just plug it together.

You have some proper kit there that isnt straight forward to install. I think you want a diy kit not the stuff you have

thanks for the reply guys. i was offered this lot for peanuts basically which seemed a lot better than going for diy stuff. ive had the diy before and didnt like the results. i knew when buying all this that it was not going to be a case of plugging it in and away you go. the place it was originally installed did not use a keyboard, just pc based. from what ive found out, the software that supposed to work with this gear is CAMFUNCTION & UNIPLUS. i do have a link here. http://www.cctvsoftware.com/details_uniplus/details.htm . im not behind the wall with electronics, but this side of it ive not delved into too much. this is why im asking the pro`s for help. :rolleyes:

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Heres a few questions that you need to answer:

Do you know how all this kit goes together.

Who's going to put all your 240v supplies in.

Do you know how to run the cables for the cameras.

Do yo know what type of cable is required for the cameras.

Does your PC have Uniplus. (without this you can not do what you want to do)

Just yes/no answers will do then you might get some help.


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Heres a few questions that you need to answer:

Do you know how all this kit goes together. yes

Who's going to put all your 240v supplies in. me

Do you know how to run the cables for the cameras. yes

Do yo know what type of cable is required for the cameras. yes

Does your PC have Uniplus. (without this you can not do what you want to do) no, not yet. but i already know about uniplus & camfunction.

Just yes/no answers will do then you might get some help.


what i need to know is what else i need to get this running from pc.

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So not only are you good at electronics, you are also a qualified electrician. You have answered yes to my questions, so there you go, get on and do it.

End of story.

Good luck


i came here to ask for advice from the pro`s, which i am not & never said i was. i didnt come here to be ridiculed. if you cannot help, then dont bother replying. what you said was uncalled for & obviosly you didnt see the bottom part of my last post.

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thank you for a positive reply. the cameras are already complete & wired, ready to be put up. i have the manual/wiring diagram for the ptz motor to the reciever. the 240v supply, running the coax from rx to tx & connecting to the multiplexer is not a problem. its what i need from there to the pc is where the problem lies. im obviously going to need a dvr card. but which one will be best at a reasonable price as there seems to be loads about. some of them very cheap, but assuming not very good. im going to ring a few people tomorrow hoping i can source more manuals.

thanks in advance


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